Well the Republicans have gained complete control of congress. - TopicsExpress


Well the Republicans have gained complete control of congress. Pretty impressive as to their victory. I guess I just dont understand politics and the thought process or people. My understanding of the Democratic process is this; republicans represent less/smaller government, more about the individual. You typically see more well-off/wealthier people in the Republican Party where as you see less fortunate poor to middle class in the Democratic Party. You also see more diversity in Democratic Party than you do in the Republican Party. Republicans generally consist of Males, white, usually older and In the upper income bracket. The Democrat party in my opinion is more diverse, more women, poor/middle class, and younger ages. Democrats believe bigger Government to help the people, ie Welfare, Obama Care (AHC) Medicare/Medicaid. Republicans believe in stricter border control and anti-immigration laws where as Democrats believe in lessor restrictions on immigration. So this is my BASIC concept of the Democratic process and beliefs. Here is where I get confused. Out of the top 50 richest families in America, 28 are known to be strong Republican Supporters, 7 Democratic Supporters and 15 going either way. Republicans say the Government is to big. Its my opinion that its big because its the only place hiring for the most part with decent wages and benefits. Big business seems to send employment oversees to protect it from Taxes and cheaper employment. Democrats are known to be strong Union Supporters because Unions fight for increased benefits and pay for the employees. BUT this cost is passed on to the consumer driving up costs of the product. The arguments seem to go on forever. So this is my basic understanding of politics. Please chime in (respectfully please) and tell me your thoughts. Ive always leaned Democrat because I feel I fit the profile of a Democrat more so than a Republican.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:31:10 +0000

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