Well, this has been a very special week for me personally. On - TopicsExpress


Well, this has been a very special week for me personally. On Thursday we continued our annual tradition of celebrating my Birthday at the Dojo by sparring 58 light-contact one minute rounds with each other. As we began the tradition in 2006 on my 50th birthday, the Black Belts stay up with me for the entire time and the under black belts rotate through. As usual, the Black Belts also rotated through the line so we could spar with each other. Each year is different in attendance and sometimes we missed a year because I was in Iraq. This year we still had over 20 participate with some regular strong performers having work conflicts. My sons and many Grandchildren participated as usual. I seem to have recovered from my hip surgery last October and am grateful for my health and everything else in our lives. The following were announced as recommended for advancement as follows: Josh Brown – 5th Dan, Tim Pharris – 5th Dan, Brandi Pharris - 3rd Dan, Dale Pommer – 2nd Dan, Neil Taylor – 1st Dan examination November. Andrew Tucker tested earlier in the week and advanced to Green Belt. Then dinner at Kuramoto’s for all that could attend. On Saturday, we made our annual participation at Sensei Dale Kirby’s Seminar/Tournament. Sensei Ford & Sensei Edwards and Matt & I performed demonstrations and training that were well received. Just like the sparring earlier in the week we cannot all be everywhere at once and sometimes we have to coach football or baseball and that is normal for us. Sensei Kirby and Isshin-Ryu friends from the Knoxville area also demonstrated sword partner kata with live blades. Sensei Hayden had a very good effect on all explaining the importance of character development in true martial arts training. While using Bushido Dojo earlier, renowned Sensei James Williams presented me with one of his brand new short swords of great significance to us. We presented it to Sensei Kirby at his Seminar Saturday and he was most pleased and appreciative. Our other katana that is part of Bushido Dojo Sho-Dan advancement ceremony belonged to the late Sensei Nancy Toby and was purchased from Sensei Kirby who used it in competition after purchasing it from Japan. All Bushido Dojo participants in the tournament placed first in kumite and some also first in kata: Tim Pharris, Brandi Pharris, Angela Brewer, Nate Brewer, Brandon Scruggs, Andrew Tucker United States Eastern Wado- Ryu Karate Federation President – Sensei John Patterson advanced me to the rank of Seventh Dan at the Seminar. The accompanying letter indicated that it was the result of the nomination of my seniors, peers, and juniors and his concurrence. His Father, Shihan Cecil Patterson promoted me to 6th Dan in 1999 and during the Kumite promotion ceremony to Sho-Dan of Tim Pharris. In this arena, there is no greater honor than the acknowledgement by those who you have shared blood and sweat with as well as with each other’s students. There is also, again as when promoted to 6th Dan, no greater feeling of unworthiness and humility than to be advanced to the same Dan level as my Seniors, many of whom were Black Belts when I was a child. 29 years ago on 9-11-1985 I was tested for Sho-Dan and later that month promoted by Sensei Wayne Tyler. In 1970, he was promoted to Sho-Dan by the Wado-Ryu founder Grandmaster Hironori Otsuka with Shihan Cecil Patterson’s belt. In 1924, the Grandmaster who had trained since childhood in Ju-Jutsu was among the first seven Japanese to receive Karate Black Belts from Master Gichin Funakoshi. So, this has very special meaning for Bushido Dojo.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 22:44:46 +0000

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