Were self kept under control, serious errors in home and business - TopicsExpress


Were self kept under control, serious errors in home and business life would be avoided. Among the members of many families there is practised the habit of saying loose, careless things, and the habit of tantalizing, of speaking harsh words, becomes stronger and stronger as it is indulged, and thus many objectionable words are spoken that are after Satan’s order, and not after the order of God. Should those who indulge in speaking words of passion, study the Guide Book, and with a serious mind seek to know its requirements, and to do them,—should they make practical its injunctions,—what a transformation would there be in the conduct and conversation! Burning words of passion should never be spoken; for in the sight of God and holy angels they are as a species of swearing. The directions of God’s word are to be implicitly obeyed. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” Every relation in life, every position of responsibility, every affection and habit, every emotion of the mind, is to be brought to the great standard of righteousness, the commandments of God, which are exceeding broad. We must have simplicity of heart that we may understand, and willingness of mind to practise, all the teachings of God’s word. – {YI September 20, 1894 Par. 2}
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 07:36:32 +0000

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