Werent we taught that democracy was defined as a form of govt. of - TopicsExpress


Werent we taught that democracy was defined as a form of govt. of the People, by the People and for the People? Clearly in Pakistan there is NO democracy! There is no concern for People in Pakistan...life is cheap & not worth preserving! Unless it is a low-life corrupt person who has been able to make it to the Parliament...it is actually a Coalition of the Corrupt! Oh yes, the obscene buildings that see only evil endorsed are a symbol of our freedom which we can all lick as if they are made in Charlie & his Chocolate factory. Pakistan has redefined it as a form of govt. of the corrupt, by the corrupt and for the corrupt. Time for Pakistanis to rise up and bell the cat once and for all times! No need to take sides. Ask the govt. to initiate an independent election audit with a vote count...doesnt the govt want to clear its name and prove itself as legit? Also the nation insists that all politicians both in govt and outside the govt. need to prove whatever they own and how. This needs to include the Sharifs, Zardari & co., the Chaudhrys and the Khans. Sab doodh ka doodh aur pani ka pani ho jaye ga! Like all dual nationality holders cannot become part of the parliament (cause they are only there to remit their hard-earned money back to assist their hapless families but the lawmakers happily accept all remittances but treat dual nationality holders with contempt when it comes to either their right to vote nor to make law let alone govern), similarly NO politician should be allowed to leave the country and go in exile. No pardons signed, no deals...stay in Pakistan and face the music (read the peoples chittar for plundering the wealth which was meant to alleviate poverty, educate the illiterate, and provide health to the weak and sick. Game Over!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:30:08 +0000

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