Western education has lead many Black people astray. Most black - TopicsExpress


Western education has lead many Black people astray. Most black people who gain western education seek no knowledge than the same brainwashed. The white supremacy will never tell you the truth about your self. They will never let you know who you are. The worse part of it is, the white man knows the importance and secrets of black man more than the black man knowing himself. And the white man will never want the black man to identify these secrets and importance of himself. They keep the truth from the black man. Because ones you know it, you no longer value the white man, you overcome the white man. So the white man better keep these secrets to himself and keep ruling you. The most painful thing in life is when some people dont even know their values, when they dont know they are the kings but due to ignorance and brainwashed they serving those who rather supposed to served them. The white man will only train you to achieve a certificate that will make you see him superior, and see your self inferior. After graduation from their colleges. After completion of brainwashing course, they give you a piece of paper called certificate(CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATION FROM THE WHITE SUPREMACY BRAINWASH COURSE). But they tell you is DEGREE , DIPLOMA, PHD and so on. You turn to a slave for them. In a form of job seeker. Not a job creator. They grant you the job, they control your freedom, your time, your schedules, and remote control your mindset. Thinking you are working to make income. You get your pay cheque and they have a tricky way to take the money back from you. This is modern way of slavery. Working but still poor. They make you serve them. They pay you cash for your service. And this cash is only to pay off some of your bills and tax. So at the end who are you. What have you achieved? Look careful and look within are you satisfy with the life you are living ?
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 06:36:19 +0000

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