What I have learned from Sigel’s Mind-Body-Spirit connection is - TopicsExpress


What I have learned from Sigel’s Mind-Body-Spirit connection is that the mind controls our total well-being; spiritually, physically and psychologically. Our joy is not always in what feels good, but what is good. We can find good out of tragedy and other adverse circumstances as well as realize that life happens. But above all to give and receive love is better than any medicine known to man. From Luther, Teresa and Carmelite spirituality and the 12 steps, I have learned that we all have shortcomings that we strive with to live holy. Monasticism is good for total dedication to God to avoid worldly lust, but if you do have to live in the real world we have to do a reality check. God first, we last by emptying ourselves and becoming the community that God intended which is to be a bridge and a light to spirituality pointing the way to God and redemption. People have their shortcomings and we must either be in a position to help heal or guide. Above all it takes a village to maintain the moral fabric of society and it takes up holding each other help to continue our journey of kingdom building and growing in grace. As Christians we need to find common ground for restoration and healing, not competition, undermining devices, not outright sinfulness and not competing the interest of kingdom building with each other , but against the prince of darkness who still dwells in the heart of those who continue to yield to him and bring divisions in the church. We are in the time when the anti-Christ has taken a foot in the church and using division to destroy from within. We should not lend our ears to such deception but turn away. Everyone who says Lord - Lord is not of God but of the devil. Therefore, as the body of Christ and the people of God, we need to show more love and mercy towards one another realizing that God is going to judge us all.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 01:53:39 +0000

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