What YOU DO NOT use YOU will LOOSE Finding out what your - TopicsExpress


What YOU DO NOT use YOU will LOOSE Finding out what your talents your callings or ability is can be a life long process! Correction it is a life long Process because of uncertainty and fear! I personally did not know I could write amongst other things until recently even then I still havent been able to share it all! Another story for another day! Soon you will read my story! Like I said a life long process! I Came to encourage someone today: Start with what you have, what you know, where you are, then there will be progressive revelation of who you are! You will eventually evolve to be a butterfly ( figure of speech) Butterflys go through metaphorical stages! Today look deep within your selves and identify what you are good at and start working on it! Remember undeveloped talents can be lost! You were given that to use in serving others and blessing others and that can be a stream of income! Unused talent can be lost Unused muscles in the body will waste and turn to fat due to lack of use Unused voice can not be heard! This year other than the job you have please discover who you are and what GOD put inside of you! You will be amazed yes Amazed in what you are capable of doing! Do not let FEAR Stop you on your trucks I have had to deal with that for years running away from my calling and from the CALL! Because I was afraid because I didnt feel I was capable because I was shy because I was uncertain hmmmm Trust me! From today dig deep and do not be Afraid discover create and launch out! And stop making excuses; the other excuse is you dont have the resources I can hear someone saying that now! Start Developing YOU! And your talents and put it out there you never know who is watching you and God will Divinely Connect you to your divine helper! Yes dear! He will! Neglecting to use YOUR talent or time or resources for GOD and man will demote, stagnate and eventually ruin you! Some have the resources to help ours some have time to assist others! Whatever you have USE it or YOU loose it! I know I will have to start blogging because I write so much and people dont like to read anyway all in good time! Work in progress! Happy and a Blessed Sunday After church please Do some Reflection Yours Truly the Virtuous life Coach Virgine
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 10:17:00 +0000

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