What angers me INTENSELY, not enough to like hit anyone or - TopicsExpress


What angers me INTENSELY, not enough to like hit anyone or anything because unlike some people I can keep my hands to myself, even if someone does something I dont like, is that whenever women speak of violence against us, theres always some man issuing a statement on the women who lie about it or provoke it. Meanwhile men commit 90 percent of all homicides, I wonder what murder victims do to provoke that. Also noteworthy, domestic violence is directly related to the decline in the economy, but I guess we are still placing the blame on victims, conservatives would probably blame Obama, but I digress. It is also learned behavior, people who grow up being abused or witnessing it are more likely to be abusers themselves, so again, how is the victim responsible? I am in no way shape or form saying that there are not women who do not lie about their circumstances or hit first, I am stating that it is an absolute affront to the quivering stories of the many survivors, and it serves NO purpose in solving the real problem for the MILLIONS of real victims. You CHOOSE to hit someone, but if we are going to be honest lets....I shall share first because I dont mind people knowing my story if it opens dialogue and encourages others to seek help and share their stories or know the signs in order to walk away. I provoked my ex boyfriend when I woke him up to ask him who had been calling his phone all night, he punched me in my back and immediately fell back asleep. (That was my first provocation) I provoked him when he punched me in my lip as I was holding his infant nephew. I provoked him when I said something smart as I was on the other side of the house and he charged me from behind. I provoked him to throw a mini fridge on top of me, when I asked him to move out (because I couldnt control myself and provoked him the day before). I provoked him when I wasnt happy for him that he found out that he had just became a father at my birthday party. I provoked him when I wouldnt get off my phone with my best friend, and he wanted to know whom I was talking to, he subsequently grabbed my phone and a chunk of my hair, and punched me so hard I flew over the couch. I provoked him when I called him a liar and raised my hands while standing more than three feet away from him, somehow his foot ended up in my face and his hands wrapped around my hair. (I finally learned my lesson, that was the last time I provoked him, HOWEVER, according to the state of Florida, he has had NUMEROUS cases of other women provoking him) Im sure there are other times that I provoked him in between they just arent coming to mind right now. Have a nice day.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:18:03 +0000

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