What are some smart companies that clearly just make money from - TopicsExpress


What are some smart companies that clearly just make money from taking advantage of dumb people? reddit/r/AskReddit/comments/2dofgy/what_are_some_smart_companies_that_clearly_just/ • Rent a Center. Seriously, just deposit into a savings account for a few months. It will do wonders. • When I was younger, I used them a lot more than Id care to honestly admit. I never realized at the time just how much money I was just throwing away for stuff I really didnt need. • Yea... I mean some of the stuff is marked up 200-300% higher... Even crazier, a lot of home improvement and furniture places offer good financing options for people that would let them build up the money over the few months financing they wouldve had with rending it... Of course, thats depending all on credit, but most of the things from Rent a Centers arent 100% necessities... More wants than anything. • What type of interest rate do you have on your savings account? I get less that one percent. Thats average these days. • .25%. So 1/4th of a percent. Its the idea of holding your money aside that helps more than anything. but yea, interest rates are pitiful. • King. Their Saga line of mobile games are pretty much just reskins of existing games crippled with microtransactions. Slot machines. Doubly so for video slots, youre literally putting money into a computer and letting it decide if it wants to give you any back. Alienware. Their PCs are high end... except they arent. They use parts that arent nearly as good as they claim, often with shoddy build quality, for a ridiculous markup. You can get a better PC for less money by paying a local shop to scratch build you one if you dont have the tech savvy to build one yourself. • To be clear, any slot machine built since the 80s has been a computer that decides if it wants to give you any of your money back. The spinning reels are just a display. • As tan exworker of alienware, yes You buy your PC thinking youre getting the best components out there, but we really build a sub par PC and ask you for triple the normal money • I cant speak for other games, but Candy Crush isnt as much of a reskin as people say. The level objectives and obstacle pieces in later levels make it feel completely different from, say, Bejewelled. And microtransactions arent necessary to win at all • Without microtransactions, the game becomes mostly pure luck by the end, although it still usually boils down to pure luck and perseverance by the end anyway. • Luck does play a big part but I dont think thats awful. Lots of games are based on luck and sticking to it after you lose and trying more. I think its a decent game personally. King is a truly shitty company but the game itself isnt as awful as reddit says imo • You lost 3 times? Thats alright, just buy this $3 thing to let you play more. Or wait 5 hours, whatever you want. Im cool with microtransactions that actually provide content, Candy Crush was designed from the beginning to milk every last cent out of players. They dont even try to hide it. • Payday loan places. • Usually desperation rather than stupidity. • Which is possibly even worse • They really should do something to get rid of that scummy line of business. its just used by politicians and businessmen to line their pockets. its a debt trap. it doesnt help people. ♡o。.(✿ฺ。 ✿ฺ) Looking for Song Lyrics? Try KnowYourSong: KnowYourSong • 20+ OKcupid Visitors every day OKvisits (beta) It is free
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:51:15 +0000

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