What goes around indeed comes around John Risselada I have always - TopicsExpress


What goes around indeed comes around John Risselada I have always been the kind of person who believes in the old saying, “What goes around comes around.” In fact, through many of my misfortunes I have found myself wondering what I have done to deserve what is currently happening in my life. I have always believed that if I was suffering some unfortunate circumstance it was likely I was being paid back “three-fold” for something I had done in my past. As can be expected, since we are being governed by radical leftists, that logic has been smashed to pieces of late as I watch in astonishment as evil gains a stronger foothold, seemingly unchallenged. I know many of us feel the same way, beat down and wore out as a relentless cabal of America hating socialists has implemented an agenda that for all practical purposes seems to be unstoppable. As Christians we tend to believe that in the end the light defeats the dark, good defeats evil, Christ defeats Satan. Given the current state of affairs I wish that end would hurry up and get here, it is getting awfully dark and we desperately need some light to rekindle our faith. A faith that has been shaken by watching a man deliberately lie in an attempt to “fundamentally transform” the nation we love and get away with it virtually unscathed. He is protected by a biased media and a very large voter base that is likely the most ignorant in American history. Whereas Americans have been known throughout the world as hard working and dedicated, Obama supporters are motivated by the allure of being free from responsibility. Generations of people have been so dumbed down they do not understand a nation shoveling out more in welfare benefits than what it takes in is doomed to go flat broke. They are so blind they do not see the people they vote for getting rich off of their welfare dependency. When are the conniving minds that devised this scheme going to get what they have coming to them? Over the past few days, as the news of violence in Egypt has developed, we have seen story after story of Muslims burning Christian churches and raping twelve year old girls. One would hope that stories such as these would awaken people to the danger that is Sharia Law. Well, in a country run by those infected with the disease of liberalism would one be wrong. This past week in Oklahoma, the same week these atrocities were occurring, a federal judge ruled that Oklahoma’s ban on Sharia Law be overturned and Sharia Law would now be considered in Oklahoma courts. She said it was unconstitutional to keep Sharia Law out of Oklahoma courts. So over the past the six decades Americans have been fed the “separation of church and state” argument used by liberals to describe their interpretation of the first amendment, only to come full circle and see this federal judge use it as a means of establishing an official religion in judicial proceedings. Again, only in a country run by radicals intent on reaping its destruction can Christians be viewed as terrorists while they are persecuted at the rate of 1 every five minutes in the middle east, and Muslims, who are currently the ones persecuting them be considered the oppressed victim. How is it that they get away with this? I have written many an article over the past 8 months trying to describe the radical mindset as well as the tactics they employ, and it seems to be all for naught. For every small victory we achieve, every baby step we advance, the left has a way of smashing it by carrying on with their evil agenda unabated. The biggest tactic they rely on is giving the illusion that there is no hope and that their agenda has a wide array of supporters. Many conservatives are writhing in frustration as the Republican Party appear to be waving white flags in the halls of congress. Knowing what I know about the Alinsky method (let us not forget that I was educated by Alinskyite radicals myself) this is but a ploy designed to get you to lose hope. One of Alinsky’s idols was Fyodor Dostoevsky who is quoted in Rules for Radicals as saying- Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward “change” among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future. This little quote explains every action of the left as well as the dismal, defeated attitude of the so called Republican Party. The strategy is to get enough ignorant people to believe that our system of governance in a constitutional republic has failed to live up the ideals it set out to create. This is why there is such an obvious effort to those using their brain housing groups to create hate and discontent between Americans. Many have taken the bait and are following the choo choo train of fundamental transformation to their own demise. The second part of their strategy comes down to what Alinsky referred to as “power tactics.” He says that the first rule of tactics is that “Power is not only what you have, but what your enemy thinks you have.” I will return to the Republican Party for a moment. If conservatives believe the Republican Party is on the ropes than it is very likely that a push for third party will commence very soon. This will assure the destruction of the Republican Party which is what the left wants. The Republican Party, as far as I am concerned, is acting in a manner that seems to have them marching in lock step with the left to achieve this objective. The illusion of mass support for the agenda is also created through the left wing media and imbeciles like Piers Morgan and “tingle up my leg” Chris Matthews. We must not lose hope America. While it seems that every day brings us closer to the left achieving their goal; we do well for ourselves remembering that they are lying in order to do it. They may be able to justify their means by their desired ends through moral relativism but that does not mean they are right in doing so. They may be able to ease their souls by removing God from their consciousness, but that doesn’t mean God does not exist. Finally, they may believe they are able to ignore the will of the people, but that doesn’t mean we are going to continue to take it.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 22:54:57 +0000

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