What if I told you that there was one carbon stone that could - TopicsExpress


What if I told you that there was one carbon stone that could vastly improve your quality of life? Physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally? Imagine that you got a full nights sleep for once. Or that the ringing in your ears, the buzzing in your head, the deep pounding headaches, finally stopped? What if you could place this stone in water to drink and bathe in, and effectively combat chemtrails and other daily bodily assaults such as fluoride, free radicals, electromagnetic wave frequencies, bacteria, virus, and heavy metals? And you could place the stone in your beloved family pets drinking water as well? What if you could also wear beautiful pieces of this stone on your person, or keep it in your pocket, to offer a shield around your self to protect from all kinds of negative energy, both from EMF and radio frequency devices such as cell phones, Wi-Fi, towers, and microwaves, and also from negative people? Pendants, earrings, bracelets, weave it into your clothing even. And what if you could place this stone in your home on your own EMF and RF devices, to protect your family, and boost the energy atmosphere of your home? Such a precious gift for friends or family, on any occasion, a true testament of your wish to love them and protect them, from both visible and invisible threats, and to bring balance into their life. The carbon stone is called Shungite. It comes from one place only, Karelia region in Russia, on the border with Finland. It is one of the only rocks in the world to have electrical conductivity. But there is much more to it than that. Nobel Prizes have been administered for research into Shungite. Peter The Great of Russia went on massive campaigns to search for the hot springs where this magical stone has rested for millions of years, after his soldiers came back reporting all kinds of healing and energizing effects from these springs, unknown to them at the time to be filled with SHUNGITE! Shungite can attenuate (weaken) the signals of electromagnetic fields and radio frequencies as well as microwaves. It removes pesticides, heavy metals, bacteria, virus, and organic or inorganic contaminants from water sources. It also promotes accelerated and bountiful growth for biological life, especially plants. Shungite also contains the Schumann Resonance, the natural heartbeat of the Earth, and thus provides healing and balance to all things Earthly. The closest material in physical composition to Shungite, is a meteorite. It is a space rock. But it is estimated to be at least 2 billion years old. Its physical appearance resembles that of coal, and it is mainly carbon, though other natural materials may be found within as well, such as copper, pyrite, iron, etc. There are numerous spas within Russia and Europe utilizing Shungite, and in Russia there are locations built upon natural hot springs which contain Shungite. Marcial Waters spa is built upon one of the most well known Shungite Hot Springs and is a couple centuries old. Lake Onega in Karelia, is one of the most pristine sources of water in the world. It belongs to the less than 2% of global water sources that can be bathed and drank, with no filtering or treatment whatsoever. It is free of algae, bacteria, metals, any contaminants at all, and is rich with minerals and nutrients. This is due to the long presence of Shungite within a portion of the lake. The Russian military uses Shungite for defense applications in electromagnetic and psychotronic warfare, constructing both equipment for soldiers, as well as buildings. They also have dedicated Shungite rooms within St. Petersburg Military Hospital, as well as within multiple prisons, and a school in Beslan, which suffered a hostage situation tragedy. The Shungite room was constructed for psychological healing and mental restoration of those affected, with much success. Shungite is also now known as the best anti-oxidant in the world. The Fullerene molecule is capable of absorbing many times more free radical molecules than its singular self, and is more efficient than Vitamin E, Beta-Carotene, Manuka Honey, Oil of Oregano, and any other source of anti-oxidants on Earth. This fact alone is amazing, but even further is some of the testimony we have received such as apparent reversal of the age of cells. Yes, one of my Shungite associates, had a friend of hers go to a homeopathic doctor with access to very high end equipment. After drinking Shungite water for a period of a few months, this 54 year old man was proven to have the genetic and cellular composition of 20-something year old. Due to the relieving of oxidative stress on his system and the regeneration of his cells and molecules, he was literally becoming younger, on one of the smallest scales possible. Shungite comes in multiple forms. There are big slabs, there are small stones, there are hand-sized nuggets, as well as flat slabs. I have seen back-splash for kitchens. Many vendors dealing with Shungite have it polished and machine manipulated into a smooth texture, and into shapes such as spheres or pyramids, believed to amplify the energetic field of the Shungite in beneficial ways. It is my personal opinion that any polishing or manipulating of the Shungite beyond its raw form, results in diminishing of the energy and potential of the Shungite; thus I would advocate only to ever pursue raw Shungite. It is also important to verify the Shungite is from Zazhoginsky Deposits in Karelia, Russia. This is the only place true Shungite comes from; other locations may not be Shungite, or may be from the very miniscule finds in some other regions of the world which represent less than 1% of all naturally occuring Fullerene molecules, and are not verified to have the same healing and purifying qualities as Karelian Shungite. For example, a meteor landed in Canada and there was trace amounts of the Fullerene molecule (the main molecule which composes Shungite, also known as C60 for its 60 Carbon Atoms). But not enough to conduct research with or obtain a significant sample. It was further proof however that the Fullerene origin, and Shungite itself, is from space. Today they can make Fullerenes in a lab, but Shungite is the only natural and original source of the Fullerene. It is most important to be drinking and bathing within the Shungite, and keeping it on your EMF devices. Even your Fuse Box. I am currently trying to develop Shungite Paint as well, which would be most effective to protect your home or a designated building, short of being able to actually construct a building from it like the Russians do. We are constantly researching and developing new ways to apply and utilize Shungite, and the primary goal is to increase awareness across North America, as Shungite is not well known here, and to get it into the possession of as many people as possible to help improve their life and defend them from all of the daily assaults our modern world brings! Informationals: vimeo/18144236 cosmicreality.net/shungite-blog/shungite-force-field-why-your-child-needs-one cosmicreality.net/cosmic-reality-blog/gaias-gift-shungite sciencedirect/science/article/pii/S016913680300043X https://google/patents/WO2002034676A1?cl=en&dq=shungite&hl=en&sa=X&ei=uSo4VOvHEerViwKij4HgCw&ved=0CBwQ6AEwADgK https://google/patents/WO2010033054A1?cl=en&dq=shungite&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xSo4VM-aAsaIjAKNqIHQCQ&ved=0CFwQ6AEwCDgU Purchase: https://etsy/ca/shop/Shungite4Healing cosmicreality.net/store/c1/Featured_Products.html
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 02:10:46 +0000

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