What if you just stopped chasing your dreams? It is probably - TopicsExpress


What if you just stopped chasing your dreams? It is probably one of the first messages they teach you in “motivational speaker” school – chase or follow or (insert verb here) your dreams! But what if you didn’t have to chase anything? What if the things you want to attain; love, money, health, etc – were not something outside of you that you needed to sub- or unconsciously attract, but were instead things you choose to create? If I truly want to be a creator of wealth, I don’t want to be passive in that quest. I want to be active. I want to be engaged and purposeful – the creator and interpreter of my circumstances not the helpless victim of some elusive “success wizard” that only waves his magic wand over people he thinks deserve his gifts! I’m not downing affirmations or visualization or vision boards – I think all of those things can really help improve your mindset and the strength of your desires and I am, myself, a quote junkie! What I want is to add a high level of diligent, aligned, purposeful action to the equation. I want to be a verb. I want to recognize that my life is much more of an etch-a-sketch than a stone tablet. I want to playfully experiment and, if the time comes that I want to re-invent and try something new, I just shake it up and start drawing a new picture. Don’t waste time trying to find an artist outside of you to draw your masterpiece. -------------------------------------- From my latest :: en*theos :: course: How to Be a Zen Buddhist Inside and a Wealth Creator Outside - go get your Wealth Creator on! https://entheos/academy/classes/how-to-be-a-zen-buddhist-inside-and-a-wealth-creator-outside?c=MEometry
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:55:07 +0000

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