What is Grace? Grace is God not giving us what we deserve, and - TopicsExpress


What is Grace? Grace is God not giving us what we deserve, and what we deserve is death and hell. Romans 6:23 because we all have sinned against a just and holy God. Romans 3:23, Romans 3:9-11 God then has saved us by His grace. Cancelling the debt penalty that was weighing on us. Ephesians 2:8-9 Mercy now is God giving us or putting on our account what we do not deserve He has bestowed on us His mercy by giving us what we did not have which is eternal life Through our sins we deserve nothing from God but death and wrath. Therefore we owed God. God shows us His grace by cancelling this debt which we owed Him, by sending His son to die and pay the prize through His blood. That is God being gracious to us Ephesians 2:8-9 His mercy comes in that He not only cancels our debt, but He gives us the amount we were owing Him which is the righteousness of Christ so that we can get eternal life to enjoy Him for all eternity. An Analogy I will use: Its like a man we will call Adam owing a judge YHWH Lets say Ten billion trillion zillion dollars .Adam cannot pay this debt and no man can pay it. YHWH now has sentenced Adam to prison until he pays and Adam knows he can never pay it. The judge YHWH decides to be gracious to Adam by asking His son Jesus to Pay the debt which Adam owes Him and Jesus pays it. The only way Jesus could pay the debt was by dying. After Jesus paid the debt, His father the judge YHWH took His own possession and gave to Adam Which is Mercy and because He was well pleased with Jesus He gave Him Everything.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 11:45:49 +0000

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