What is hell? The human mind cannot comprehend or wrap itself - TopicsExpress


What is hell? The human mind cannot comprehend or wrap itself around the realm of eternal torments. After all, weve never lived through an eternity, and weve come to understand that any pain weve endured only lasts but for a little while. At the same time, weve been hearing that JESUS is coming back soon all of our lives, so now, it sounds like a religious cliche; something religious folks say to scare sinners straight. But there are a few things we need to be aware of in this hour. One: Hell is real. (See Matthew 25:41) Two: There are people who are actually in hell right now. (See Luke 16:23) Three: Most people who are in hell thought they had more time to get it right, but death forewarns no man of its arrival. (See Mark 13:32) Four: Hell is eternal because the spirit of man is eternal AND death is the last enemy of GOD that will be thrown into the lake of fire; therefore, there will be no more death. (See Revelations 20:14) Five: Hades is often misinterpreted as being hell, but in truth, Hades is the grave, and it too will be thrown into the lake of fire. That means, there will no place left for a lost soul but hell. (See Revelations 20:14 again) Six: Why are people so worried about the end of the world when a mans world ends the minute he dies? CHRIST has already went to the cross for our sins. HES not going back to it. Remember, HE said, Its done. (See Hebrews 6:6) Seven: And finally, fire represents destruction, for anything consumed by fire cannot be restored. This indicates that a man in hell has no chance for redemption; he cannot be restored. Additionally, his torments arent just from the flames; his torments come from the fact that he is cast away from GOD forever. Have you ever dealt with a broken heart? Someone you loved left you, and even though they were still alive and you could see them sometimes, they have died in your life. They no longer live for you. Remember how hurtful that was? Well, being without GOD is a billion times greater than that. GOD ministers to us through our relationships to get us to understand what its like to be without HIM; how excruciating it is to be a creation without its Creator. Hell isnt just a place that people go to; hell is a state of mind that a person lives in for eternity with no hope of redemption. In other words...Hell is worse than what we can ever imagine it to be.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 05:50:01 +0000

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