What is this Isagenix ? What exactly does it do? The questions I - TopicsExpress


What is this Isagenix ? What exactly does it do? The questions I get the most - here ya go..... Most start Isagenix for a 30-60-90 day plan to essentially fortify and nourish the body . Many continue for maintenance and for the daily ease in nutrition/ supplementation. We just plain feel better on the product .. - weight loss is a side effect -a functional metabolism is an assurance - Healthy , renewed cells will be created - Radiant skin,hair, and nails will arrive - Puffiness and water retention will go bug-bye -Restful sleep will be earned and enjoyed - Energy will sky rocket - Retrain your body to crave and enjoy whole foods again - its not a life sentence, just a brilliant lifestyle - Youthful vitality will prevail- Hallejuah!! The nourishment is packed in the shakes - raw ingredients galore -Herbs -Botanicals -Mineral and Vitamins - Healthy carbohydrates and essential fats - Clean and organic protein produced in one of the most cleanest environments on the planet, -Protein extracted very systematically ( trademarked and exclusive to no other company in the world ) keeping the nutrients present so that it can be absorbed and utilized in the body most optimally -Clinically proven to assist the body in muscle growth , fat loss, and believe it or not... Healing 7.4 on the power of hydrogen scale - No soy . No fake sugars. No fillers. No gluten . No GMOs -Safe for all ages Years and years of toxins get stored in the bodys fat cells creating havoc , imbalance, and weight fluctuations . You remove those life sucking toxins by a gentle nutritional cleanse. This is NOT a toilet cleanse, but a cellular support cleanse. - You take a break from fork food and digestion for no more than 48 hours , but never deplete or deprive your body of essential nutrients at anytime. -The second 24 hrs is where the magic happens!! -Option in cleansing are available Study after study is showing the DISTRESS is destroying the body . A major component of Isagenix tackles this very destruction heads on . -Assists the body by regulating cortisol spikes back into the norms -This same component kicks those cravings and processed carb addiction to the curb -Teaches your body to adapt to stress -Helps with focus and clarity - Also aids in sweet dreams I truely and passionately believe in what this system has done for me and my family, close friends ,new friends and children . Despite the sickening ways our food had been manipulated , genetically altered, and unnaturally created. Despite what these fake foods do to us, a body CAN heal itself ! Its considerably less expensive to invest In your health than to invest in chasing your health . I am immensely comforted over the fact that this company spends millions of dollars on 3rd party testing . Purity is what we demand . Purity is what we get . Want to feel the difference??? PM me
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:43:57 +0000

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