What kind of question is that?!?!? OK!! Once again, I find - TopicsExpress


What kind of question is that?!?!? OK!! Once again, I find myself asking the ”broken record” question of the day…REALLY?!?!?!?!!! Today (I swear (oops:-/ I shouldn’t swear)) I was asked the question “what’s your favorite inanimate object?” Now, I try to take everything at face value, rather than reading too much into something/nothing…BUT I can’t help it on this one:-/ Uuhhh, ‘what’s my favorite inanimate object’?!? Hhmmm, I’m not really too sure how to take that and just a little uncomfortable w/being asked such a question, by someone I don’t know. By READING INTO a question like that, my mind ends up in the gutter…as I tried to figure out WHAT THE HECK HE MENT BY THAT!!! Now, I’m sure, it was a harmless question in trying to create conversation. BUT(!!!), out of all the things to talk about, that doesn’t even come to mind as something to ask someone…especially if I don’t know them:-/ I was asked this question, this morning, at my local grocery store by one of the check-out people. I frequently shop there, so I end up seeing a lot of the same faces (that work there). I’m usually in a hurry whenever I go in, I just wanna get in and get out…no dilly dallying here people, it’s grocery shopping time!! When I run through the check-out line, the tellers always want to ”chit-chat”…I always try to keep it to a minimum cause I find they move a little slower when ringing my items and talking at the same time. And since I’m always in a hurry to get out of there, I like to keep it as brief as possible. I get that they’re encouraged to engage in the casual “small talk”, as a way of creating customer relationships. I understand that it’s their tactic to encourage the customer to choose their store over the next (because they’re so friendly). Which is probably why I shop there instead of the other grocery store down the street. Now, again, I was in a hurry to get to work this morning so I wasn’t really wanting to “shoot the breeze” (not that I really would want too, even if I wasn’t in a hurry) and the check-out guy that I’ve briefly talked to before (when he would ring up my groceries) started asking me random questions…maybe to keep the conversation fresh since I really wasn’t interested in talking in the first place. Who knows. But, the question (during the 4 minutes it took to ring up my groceries) that stood out the most was (out of all the questions he was asking me)…”soooo, what’s your favorite inanimate object”?? I paused and looked at him, definitely puzzled…I wasn’t really sure how to answer that?!? WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!?!?!?!? Being the “I have a sarcastic remark for everything/anything” (well…sometimes, LOL!!) kind of person, was stumped for words!!! Usually, I’ll just ramble off a little remark and everyone will laugh the comment/situation off, instead I just looked at the guy and said “uuhhhh(???), ok”. Lucky for me, he had just finished ringing up my groceries. So, I took my receipt, said “thanks” and got outta there!!! Talk about your top 10 akward moments:-/ LESSON LEARNED: not that there’s really a lesson to be learned here…I’M NEVER LETTING THAT GUY “CHECK-OUT” MY GROCERIES EVER AGAIN, NOPE, NO THANKS!!!! LOL!!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 23:55:29 +0000

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