What lessons learnt? Sounded so lofty! By the way, China had no - TopicsExpress


What lessons learnt? Sounded so lofty! By the way, China had no seditious global desires that the US had always been harboring. Please do not draw parallels between legitimate Chinese claims and the insatiable hegemonic desires of the US, past or present! Your track record in continental Americas had been dismal, to say the least and it was all in plain view for everyone to see! Think native Americans; you think of Genocides and Trail of Tears - the US had embarked on one of the greatest territorial expansions within just a matter of decades in its westward drive. Not only that, during the relentless push for the implementation of the Monroe Doctrine, the US had also brutally annexed Northern parts of Mexico for incorporation into the present day state of California. Think Cuba; one thinks of the CIA-backed failed attempt at Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Guantanamo Bay Concentration Camp, put on the very Cuban soil that the US had always been claiming to want to free. Can I expect a greater irony here? If anything, instead of backing Ukrainian Far Right movements with past links to Nazi in a desperate measure to counter Russian regional influence, the US today needs to take lessons from Russia, on the art of safeguarding national interests in a relatively peaceful manner. At the height of the Cold War during the 60s, the US sure did not mind bringing Apocalypse upon the world, with the probable risk of a Nuclear Holocaust in its direct confrontation with the former USSR over Cuban missiles when it had all along been advancing offensive military installations of a highly destructive nature in Europe, right at Soviet doorsteps. How was it Colonialism that Taiwan, a democratic American ally, had all along also been pressing for the very same territorial claims as Mainland China, with both sides having a shared Chinese history? In fact, under the tacit support of the US, Taiwan was forced to swallow years of humiliation and indignation from the ever advancing Japanese encroachment on disputed territories and expansion of its ADIZ, threatening Taiwanese interests. The American-backed Philippine authority had also emboldened its coastguard force so much that it shot dead, a Taiwanese fisherman, threatening Freedom of Navigation of regional waters and the livelihood of the Taiwanese fishing community with a long history of operating in and around the said region. Today, the US was actively encouraging claimant hostilities against China, to the detriment of the interests of all stakeholders, including its allies (Taiwan and possibly even the Philippines) in this region, when Vietnam had in fact illegally occupied the largest territories in the Spratly dispute. Similarly, a Hong Kong activist was drowned by the blatantly willful actions of the Japanese authority during a standoff at sea, when the activist group was advancing towards Chinese Diaoyu islet group to press for the legitimate territorial claims of both Mainland China and Taiwan. The root cause of this dispute had been that under a carefully crafted sinister move by the US, the administrative rights of Chinese Diaoyu islet group had been awarded to Japan while the Americans claimed to uphold a Neutral position on the sovereign status of said disputed region, in executing a policy of Divide and Rule to set up a flashpoint akin to a room full of dynamite that had threatened to blow up the entire Asia-Pacific region, if not the world, never mind that Japan was a nation that had a Far Right militarist leader popularly elected into the office of Premiership, installing a government that had been honoring its version of Hitler as a National hero in annual rituals and even seeking redress for its WW2 aggressors who had committed the worst forms of atrocities in all imagination. How could have the US ever answered to its forebears who had died in the hundreds of thousands sacrificing for the Freedom of America in the Pacific War, and people of regional allied nations who had died in the millions sacrificing for regional and global Peace? Recent actions by Japanese leaders in their handling for historical wartime aggression issues had incurred the wrath of not only China, but South Korea as well. Nope, China wasnt pressing for the Colonialism that America had forced upon even its closest regional allies, Japan and South Korea, by pitting one against the other, and them against another, to ensure the continued presence of its largest contingent of overseas troop deployment on Asian soil that could basically act with absolute impunity, thus the repeated rape cases by soldiers and domination over the establishment of terms and conditions of the contract, such as the share of troop stationing costs and choice of locations of military bases, thus Okinawan residents having to put up with the constant disruptions to their daily lives and even real threats to their lives and properties. Whats with this Rule of Law, Chinese Double Standards or hypocrisy? The Chinese had never sent any of its bombers to intrude American ADIZ, right after its erection! Instead, they had respected that for decades! What Chinese Double Standards were the Americans talking about, not to mention the charges brought against Chinese hackers when the US had all along been spinning the biggest global spy web ever to even target its closest allies? Often, the attempts by the US to shamelessly snatch the moral high ground really impressed me! This is something perhaps the Chinese should better learn. Remember that the US had also given unyielding support to the Apartheid regime in White South Africa when Nelson Mandela and his freedom-fighting organization were placed under the American Terror Blacklist until only recently. All these, in addition to all I had mentioned above while still censuring others in their treatment of minorities. When Taiwanese President Ma had stated Taiwans wish to solely dictate for itself, its own course in its dealings and interactions with the mainland, Joe Biden responded that it was UP TO THE USA TO DECIDE IF AND WHEN TO INTERVENE in cross-strait affairs. Focusing on present day, how about the collateral damage inflicted by American troops upon hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi children, women, sick and the old in their illegitimate and ill-conceived Iraq war that would even put to shame, the genocidal campaigns by Saddam, the tyrant the US had claimed to root out for the freedom of Iraq and its people? After the fall of Saddam, ISIS was able to exploit the power vacuum that the US couldnt afford to fill for long due to rising costs of troop stationing and body count. American active support of Syrian rebel forces had also helped destabilize Syria, turning it into a complete chaos, allowing ISIS to find a safe haven amidst the mess. Darn! I need to write a book on the art of statecraft and governance of the USA. The American style of management of foreign relations has also been splendid and perfect, simply flawless! Our world is certainly blessed to have it at the helm.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 04:34:09 +0000

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