What part of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton always - TopicsExpress


What part of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Hillary Clinton always lie is so hard for the Democrats and Liberals to understand ? theguardian/world/2007/nov/17/saudiarabia.international Barack Obama and Hillary Clintons support of the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorists and Mohamed Morsis Arab Sping in the most evil thing the United States Government has ever been Involved with. The Muslim Brotherhood were Terrorists when they were created. They were Terrorists when they worked with Adolf Hitler during World War 2. They are Terrorists today. Islam is the only reason for the violence, poverty, rapes, murders, Terrorism, and War across Africa and the Middle East. The United States should not work with Terrorists or nations that operate with Sharia Law and slavery. Sharia Law is hate. edition.cnn/2007/WORLD/meast/11/20/saudi.rape.victim/index.html?eref=yahoo edition.cnn/2015/01/24/middleeast/saudi-arabia-royals-obama/ Sharia Law is slavery. https://plus.google/101058628621756378927/posts/jBwNYCz6kQ3 The United Nations, Barack Obama, the CIA, and the NSA want complete control of the Internet only because they hate the Freedom of Speech as much as they hate the rest of your Human Rights and Freedoms. We have the Bill of Rights in the United States because we are free men and free women. Barack Obama should be arrested for Treason and his Executive Orders should be shredded. The United States should not finance and support or work with Terrorists. Nina, Hamas’s overt intervention in Egypt is an alarming development, although a predictable one. It is worth pointing out that Hamas is not merely colluding with the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood. nationalreview/corner/258381/hamas-muslim-brotherhood-andrew-c-mccarthy ukessays/essays/history/hassan-al-banna-and-the-muslim-brotherhood-history-essay.php How much do you know about Barack Obamas and Hillary Clintons Muslim Brotherhood that created Mohammed Morsis Arab Spring ? The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood Hassan al-Banna was a follower of Adolf Hitler and worked with him during World War 2. From an early age Hassan al-Banna was attracted to the extremist and xenophobic aspects of Islam which were hostile to western secularism and its system of rights; particularly women’s rights. Find out more from UK Essays here: ukessays/essays/history/hassan-al-banna-and-the-muslim-brotherhood-history-essay.php#ixzz3PU2eXXp9 When he graduated in 1927, he was appointed as a teacher of Arabic grammar in a primary school in Ismailia, a new small town in Egypt with a semi-European quality. It hosted the headquarters of the Suez Canal Company and a sizable foreign community. In Ismailia al-Banna started to preach his ideas to poor Muslim workers, local merchants, and civil servants, warning his listeners against the liberal way of life of the Europeans in town and the dangers of emulating it. It was here he won his first followers, who encouraged him to form the Society of the Muslim Brethren in 1928. For Hassan al-Banna, as for many other Muslims worldwide, the end of the Caliphate, although brought about by secular Muslim Turks, was a sacrilege against Islam for which they blamed the non-Muslim West. It was to strike back against these evils that in March 1928 along with a group of his “Brothers,” Hassan al-Banna created the Muslim Brotherhood. Similar to the groups that Al-Banna joined since he was twelve; the Brotherhood at first was only one of the numerous small Islamic associations that existed at the time where the members preached to anyone who would listen about the need for moral reform in the Arab world. These associations aimed to promote personal piety and engage in charitable activities. The Muslim Brotherhood’s ideals were based on the notion that Islam was a comprehensive way of life, not simply a religious observance. In its infancy the Brotherhood was a religious, political, and social movement with the basic beliefs that, “Allah is our objective; the Quran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations. Sharia Law is hate. Sharia Law is slavery. In nations that operate under Sharia Law every child and every woman is a slave. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton should be arrested for Treason. Everyone of Barack Obamas Executive Orders should be shredded. Every one of Barack Obamas Appointees should be fired. Joe Biden should be fired. Al Sharptons only job his entire life has been to spread racism and hate. Barack Obamas, Saul Alinskys, Hillary Clintons, George Soross, and the CIAs agenda for the United States and the world is just wrong.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 16:47:21 +0000

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