What people dont seem to get is there are tons of homeless people - TopicsExpress


What people dont seem to get is there are tons of homeless people out there that do things like this. From August until now my wife and I were homeless and sleeping in our vehicle due to a strange set of circumstances involving bad luck or trusting the wrong person. Homeless are the first to help someone out in need most of the time but all society can see is the boozers and druggies they think they see. There are those out there lazy and addicted to something or those that consider homelessness a lifestyle choice. There are the scammers out there that fly signs on corners claiming to be homeless and when done fold up their sign and climb into a BMW and yes those are the bad ones and make the ones who fell on hard times who just need a hand up have harder time getting the help they need to rise to their feet again. Thanks to those that believe not all homeless are true life bums I now have a place for my family to call home that I can comfortably afford, a good running vehicle and both of us have a great job all because an anonymous benefactor paid 1 month in a motel for my wife and I as well as about $200 in safeway giftcards allowing me to save my paycheck every other week for that month to afford a deposit on our apartment and buy a car when my Isuzu blew up. Basically what Im trying to say is for some of you out there you could be anonymous hero and the one who could completely turn someones life around if you stop looking at homelessness as a plague or disease and actually talk to a homeless person instead of avoiding them.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 08:53:54 +0000

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