What to Do If Your Child Has Ingested Poison If you find your - TopicsExpress


What to Do If Your Child Has Ingested Poison If you find your child with an open or empty container of an unknown substance, your child may have been poisoned. Stay calm and act quickly. First, get the poison away from the child. If there is still some in your childs mouth, make him spit it out, or remove it with your fingers. Keep this material along with any other evidence (such as vomit) that might help determine what was swallowed. Next check for the following signs: • Severe throat pain • Breathing difficulty • Sudden behavior changes, such as unusual sleepiness, irritability, or jumpiness • Unexplained nausea or vomiting • Stomach cramps without fever • Bums on your childs lips or mouth • Unusual drooling, or odd odors on your childs breath • Unexplained stains on your childs clothing • Convulsions or unconsciousness (only in very serious cases) If your child has any of these signs dial 998/999 Police Ambulance right away. Note the time that the child ingested the poison and the time that any vomiting occurs. • TAKE THE CONTAINER WITH YOU to help the doctor determine what was swallowed. • Give the child water or milk to drink, DO NOT MAKE THE CHILD VOMIT as this may cause further damage. • Do not follow instructions about poisoning on the label of the container, as these are often out of date. If your child does not have these symptoms, call your pediatrician or ER (971-4)-377-6645 for further advice. If the poison is dangerous, or if the child is very young you will be advised to take the child to the nearest hospital, otherwise you will be given instructions to follow at home. (Please note that this information is not to be used as a substitute for medical care and advice from your doctor or pediatrician. There may be variations on treatment and advice based on individual circumstances.)
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 08:05:27 +0000

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