What to do with painful memories If you have pain from the past, - TopicsExpress


What to do with painful memories If you have pain from the past, the first thing is to acknowledge that it is there. Then write it down. Write exactly what happened, in great detail. Write out all the terrible things that someone or other people did to you, or you did to them or what they failed to do, what they could have done or should have done etc. But don’t use any type of paper, use toilet paper. Write all the painful things of your past on a special type of paper, sometimes it is called toilétté paper, or TP for short. Use toilet paper to show how important, or the worth of these thoughts about the painful things of your past. I would even suggest you use a brown marker or pen to resemble the colour of “crap”, you know, the kind of stuff that is usually wiped off with toilet paper. Psychologically, by using toilet paper to write down the painful things of your past, you are associating these troubling thoughts with the thing that usually goes on top of the toilet paper, excrement! Stinky, smelly stuff, which nobody wants to keep! [The assumption here is of course, that you throw away TP after use and have no need to keep it for another occasion, even in the midst of the worldwide economic recession!!] And then perform a cleansing ritual, a ceremony of letting go. Put the toilet paper in the toilet, and press the magic button labelled ‘flush’ and watch as your trouble swirls down the toilet into oblivion of poop, where they belong. Now you are free of the burden of the past. But of course, you may habitually start collecting and accumulating pain again. Remember that if someone calls you a dog once, you call yourself a dog every time you start thinking about what they called you. The power to drop things, is a real power, at times more important that clinging on. So drop the habitual trouble-makings mind patterns. You are much freer and at peace that way. We like to keep only beautiful and good looking and impressive pictures of ourselves and loved ones on display on our desks or computers, and where do we keep the rot, the not so good or horrible or painful pictures? We keep all this rot inside, deep in our memory and being, and of course it contaminates our space. I’d rather display shitty looking pictures on my desk if I can keep the inside clean, and have only good, positive, nourishing and life sustaining thoughts!! After all, isn’t that God’s residence!! Peace!!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 13:31:17 +0000

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