Whats really struck me in the last few days is how many people - TopicsExpress


Whats really struck me in the last few days is how many people care and want to see suicide cease to exist, and that many of us dont know how to talk about it or what to do about it. I think the most important thing we can do is recognize that culturally, we are not inclined to talk about mental illness the way we do about many other illnesses, and that it is important to both listen and to refrain from judgment. Mental illness isnt always as straightforward as some physical illnesses, and it can be intimidating to talk about or try to support someone who is going through something we do not understand. And that does not mean we shouldnt try. The only way we can decrease the number of suicides that occur each year is by being more accepting and welcoming of those who are struggling emotionally, even if it is uncomfortable and we do not know what to do. It is vital that we use this shared heartbreak and shock over the loss an incredible soul to positively influence those who surround us. Most of us know someone struggling with severe mental illness, whether we are aware of it or not. The more we push ourselves to talk to those in need and support others who are struggling, the more normal it gets for people on both ends, and the less suicide will seem like the best option for those who are deeply struggling. Love your neighbor; we are all in this life together and we can choose to make it a better one for all of us by spreading love and doing little things to show others how much we care, even if it is a bit outside our comfort zones. It comes more naturally with time, and even a hug or popping by a friends house to say hi can make a world of difference. We never know how our actions might affect another, and sometimes the smallest thing in one persons mind can completely change the life of another.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 01:27:37 +0000

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