Whats the weirdest thing u have seen while trucking? Ghost, - TopicsExpress


Whats the weirdest thing u have seen while trucking? Ghost, spirits, something that is unexplainable? Now as for me, I dont believe in ghost, but I have to say that what happened yesterday had me thinking. I had a reload in DeWitt, Arkansas. After reloading, I was gonna take Rd 165 to 63 North back up to I-40 East. Well I missed the turn for 165 and wound up on Rd 1. By the time I realised I had missed my turn, I had went far enough to where it didnt make good since to turn around so, I started looking for a place to pull off the road so I could look at my map to see what I needed to do. If any of you are not familiar w this part of Arkansas, it is almost desolate. Rice fields as far as u can see. It wasnt quite dark outside yet, but getting pretty dim with an approaching storm chasing me coming from the west. I finally found a wide spot and pulled off the narrow 2 lane. After looking at my map and figuring what I needed to do, I decided I would kill 2 birds w one stone and squirt the dirt while stopped. No traffic in sight, no houses in any direction except for an old abandoned house trailer to my left on the opposite side of the road. So, I got out of my truck and walked around to the passenger side and got between the trailer and my sleeper. While standing there I could see the old house trailer. It was rusty with busted out windows, no door, weeds grown halfway up it. There was no driveway, not even a little path leading to the trailer and no power lines going to it. Through the missing door it was total darkness. As I finished my business, I got this feeling someone was watching me. I looked back over at the abandoned trailer and there was a child standing in the doorway. Just standing there starring right at me. All of a sudden, this long skinny arm grabs him up. A very skinny lady picked the baby up, put it on her hip and then she just stood there looking at me a long with the child who has yet to take its eyes off me. The woman who looked to be in her 30s, had a very old summer dress on. Looked like a dress u would have seen back in the 1940 era. Light beige w red flower pattern. It wasnt a dress made today to look like that. It looked aged and very authentic. She was at least 6 ft tall and had the body frame of Olive Oil from the cartoon Popeye. Both mother and childs facial expressions never changed. No smile, but no anger, just a little sad look. I would guess the baby to be around 2. You know how most kids are at that age. You cant keep there attention for very long even if you shake a toy in their face. This kid was stone faced and never took his eye off me. FAREEEAKY!!! As fast as they appeared they were gone and the lady walked away from the opening of the missing door and disappeared into the dark shadows of the trailer. I got back in my truck pretty dang fast and as soon as I went to put it in gear the engine died. I didnt set my idle when I had stopped and my truck shuts off automatically in a few minutes if u dont set it. So, I turned my key to the off position then back to on to reset everything. Well, once it all reset, I turned the key to start it back up. NOTHING!!! I kept trying and all I get is a click noise. Its growing darker as I turn the key back to reset it again. I glanced back at the trailer and the doorway was complete darkness. I looked at my cell phone and noticed I had no bars of service which is weird, cause I had talked to my brother right till I stopped to look at my map w no problem. I turn the key back on and try to start it again and still nothing. I could feel them starring at me even though I couldnt see them. It got to the point where I wouldnt even look in the direction of the trailer. I started to feel like I was in a Stephen King scene and the layout of my surroundings made for the perfect setting of a horror movie. By this time Im stomping the clutch and turning the key pretty vigorously. Then, BAM!!!!!!!! A DEAFENING CRACK OF THUNDER AND LIGHTENING, simultaneously interrupted the silence and my truck started at exactly the sametime... I didnt take me long to get that baby rolling either... I was out of there.... I dunno what the deal was with everything that happened and what I saw, but it was very very unusual...
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 20:35:03 +0000

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