Whelp, the Gay Mafia has claimed another victory against those who - TopicsExpress


Whelp, the Gay Mafia has claimed another victory against those who refuse to join their protection racket. Kudos! Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich now sleeps with the fishes. See, Eich had the nerve to think he lived in a free country. Silly rabbit! Freedom comes with a price. And that price is determined by the Gay Mafia. Only in a free country could a sovereign individual contribute money to a political organization and go on about his life unmolested. But America isn’t a free country. We are a country under the thumb of cretins who, if they had names like Gambino or Corleone would be in prison on RICO charges. The Five Families of the Liberal Mob include the Open Borders Amnestinos, the Racial Demagoguereones, the Entitleonis, the Politicaglias and the Gay Mafia. You don’t cross the mob, Mr. Eich. Which you learned the hard way. The Gay Mafia button men, or, as they prefer to be called the cute-as-a-button men, have taken to the mattresses and declared war on the citizens of these United States who refuse to kiss the ring. Donate to pro-tradition marriage groups? They’ll wait until some time has passed and, when you least expect it, will come after you. Want to refuse customers in your private sector business on religious grounds? They’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse. They want you dead! They want your career dead! They want your family dead! They want to burn down your house and piss on the ashes!! You don’t cross the mob, Mr. Eich. And if you don’t want to sleep with the fishes, you gotta pay protection money. You gotta kiss the ring. You think you’re living your life by the rules? Taking care of you and your family? You pay your taxes. You follow the law. Never hurt anybody. But the Gay Mafia doesn’t recognize the laws of this country. They are their own law. The Gay Mafia expects loyalty. And they will repay that loyalty by one day collecting on it. One day, maybe a week from now, or a year from now, or maybe not at all, but one day, they may call on you to perform a service — like refuse to defend DOMA or overturn “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” And you are expected to do as they wish. They buy politicians. They buy judges. Of course they do. They’re the mob. Mozilla’s Chairwoman Mitchell Baker knows how to play ball. She came, hat in hand to Don Cornholeone and begged forgiveness. And the Don is a reasonable man. Reasonable. But cautious. The Gay Mafia will keep an eye on Mitchell Baker. If she knows what’s good for her, she’ll stay in their good graces. Because the Gay Mafia has a long memory. They’ll wait. They’ll keep you close. They’ll lull you into a sense of security. Then, they’ll strike. The Gay Mafia, like the sharks they are, smell blood in the water. And now they’re going after others. Salon writer William Saletan declared that the 35,000 people who gave money for Prop 8 in California should all be targets. [hat tip Big Fur Hat at iOwntheWorld]. Sure! Get those cute-as-a-button men out on the streets! Hunt them down!!! Destroy their lives! Destroy their fortunes! Destroy their businesses! And then, when anyone objects, The Gay Mafia will scream and wail like they are the victims. The Gay Mafia will then claim that they are the “target” of “hate groups.”
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 03:10:39 +0000

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