When I grew up, Cindy Crawford was more celebrated than the Dalai - TopicsExpress


When I grew up, Cindy Crawford was more celebrated than the Dalai Lama; and to me, that wasnt ok. I soon realized that its not the fault of the people who follow trends or wanting to do good, so in turn, they behave good... but there is something creepy about being conditioned when we may not even be questioning our own thoughts, as much of our foundational way of thinking is driven from our child-hood or upbringing. All of this stems from the economys survival tactics. Certain corporations prey off of mass consumerism for their need to keep consumers wanting; needing; feeling insecure, unfulfilled and honestly like they need surgery to be accepted and perceived as beautiful. Lacking confidence is a byproduct that doest have to be so. Its not our true nature; and that is why we see so many women and men feeling empty, even though they know theyre not. So the question now becomes — WHOSE standards are we living by? By what doctrine are we upholding our values to? — Now, there is definitely a time for adhering to certain practices, like peaceful activism. But when it comes to being free; we forget that that means to think freely without judgement or pre-disposed interpretations of the moment... because being different doesnt really serve anyone except those who are selling you something you dont need. Most of us know that that isnt the answer... so we try. We try to give. We try to practice humility. We be. We help people. The longing for some to be different isnt who we are. Its a message sent you by your friendly well-paid lobbyist. The good news is that people are beginning to activate their internal activism by speaking up and creating inspirational messages that echo a peaceful revolution. Im not saying that its easy. Im saying that we do have a choice: to be someone who celebrates truth no matter how harsh it seems; or someone who avoids the reality of what were here to do, to contemplate the void that doesnt really exist. We are one. And by this very definition of what life really is... I say, lets celebrate that.
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 05:38:21 +0000

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