When I look at how Luke fits Jesus into the Roman province of - TopicsExpress


When I look at how Luke fits Jesus into the Roman province of Judea, i have to conclude that whoever wrote Luke was really there. Small places that no one lese would know about get mentioned. A proconsul who made his home on a tiny backwater gets written into the story. And what is a proconsul doing here, the sceptics asked. Well, we eventually discover an inscription with the name and title of the said Proconsul, right where Luke said he was. Sure, i respect Luke as Biblical writer. Now when we get back to the OT, we have the Minor prophets- people Like Amos, or Nahum. We also have Ezekiel, not a minor prophet, but a man who has visions. no miracles here - just moral precepts from these guys. And they write as themselves. Go further back, though and we find that Moses - who is supposed to have written about the Exodus is a bit weird. I read these stories as a small child. i thought it strange, when it was explained to me that Moses himself wrote this. For why do Moses -and Samuel, come to that, talk about their own birth and life story as if they are somebody else? Ezekiel and Nahum and Amos talk to us in First person . So whats with Moses? And, remember I said that Luke mentions a most obscure proconsul in his travels? Luke also drops several names - Herod, Pilate, Augustus Ceasar, Quirinius - all historical people. Yet Moses , who is supposed to have lived and lead the people through the exodus doesnt even try to name the pharoah he faced off against, or the pharoah who had taken Joseph in. So when did all this happen ? who faced 7 years of famine after 7 years of bumper crops? who rose up in the land who knew not Joseph? English guys still talk of Churchill, of Queen victoria - Queen Elizabeth , even . Yet someone rose in Egypt, saved them from famine and increased the influence and wealth of Egypt enormously - and they FORGOT all about him ? how realistic is that ? With egypt, we are in Modern times. we have records. But Moses - we cannot confirm him , his existence or fit his tale into our narrative as we know it. Much less Noah or Adam ad Eve. Having trounced the Creationist Scientists among us, laughable simpletons who dont even know Igneous strata from sedimentary rock - I now propose to go for the historical buffs in the creationists camp. I say We cannot trust Moses over Adam and eve or Noah because we cannot trust him to get Ancient Egypt right . Do you doubt me? then Prove me wrong ! But be warned - i want facts and citations.Not bald and unsupported assertions. Lack of acknowledgement or failure to follow an argument will get you blocked. i want to debate with people who know how to debate, not pigeons who want to think they know how to play chess.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 22:47:48 +0000

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