When We Make The Tradition Of Men Supreme We Will Disobedient The - TopicsExpress


When We Make The Tradition Of Men Supreme We Will Disobedient The Commandments Of God And Lose Eternal Life This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. (Matt. 15:8, 9) Draw Me Nearer - https://youtube/watch?v=XgLWunktcz0 The Lord is calling us to be drawn nearer to Him so that we don’t fall into the same position as the Pharisees. God wants us to honour His commandments and put down the tradition of men but this cannot be done if we continue to allow the carnal nature to remain alive. When the carnal nature is still alive we will take the commandments of God and reorganize them to achieve our personal objectives. We will create our own interpretations of the word of God so that we can do what we please. When the carnal nature is ruling we will believe that we are better than the Pharisees. Lord have mercy upon us. We are always comparing ourselves with the wrong person. Instead of following the traditions of man we should follow the commandments of the Lord. Instead of comparing ourselves with mortal being we should compare ourselves with immortal being. And guess what? When we compare ourselves with the Creator of the Universe, we will find that we are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. Although we attend church and participate in evangelistic activities, unless we are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to take full control of us we will be just like the Pharisees. In today’s lesson we are reminded of how the leaders in the days of Jesus created their own interpretation of the laws so that they can disobey them. The leaders created an interpretation of the Law which allowed them to disobey the fifth commandment. They did not consider it a sin to dishonor their parents. Lord have mercy on us. Can you image that there are people in the world today who refuse to take care of the ailing parents. There are Christians today who leave their parents in the hospital for the Government to take care of them. Can you image that we treat the children of God in such a manner. I hope we remember what Jesus said in Matt. 24. “In a much as you have done it unto the lease of these my brethren you have done it on to me.’ God is calling us this morning to get back into a covenant relationship with Him which will see us obeying the commandments of God and never putting traditions above the “thus saith the Lord.” Only the Holy Spirit can help us to obey the commandments. I pray that we will continue to allow Him to have full control of every single area of our lives. Many of the Jewish traditions were of so trifling and worthless a character as to cheapen their whole religion, and these traditions were handed down from generation to generation, and were regarded by many as the word of God. Human inventions, which were constantly becoming more foolish and inconsistent, were placed on an equality with the moral law, until at the time of Christs first advent, pure doctrine had given place to false ideas. Selfishness, cupidity, self-exaltation had brought in every false practise, until the Jewish nation had lost their high-souled integrity, and their daily practises were acts of robbery toward God and their fellow-men. They robbed God of the pure service He required of them, and they robbed their fellow-men of religious guidance and a holy example. The Word of God was dismissed from their councils, and they laid their souls as manacled victims on the altar of mammon. Christ paid no heed to these human inventions, for He wished by His example to draw a line between human theories and the sacred requirements of God. (Signs of the Times, January 3, 1900 – Ellen G. White) Beware lest you read the word of God in the light of erroneous teaching. It was on this very ground that the Jews made their fatal mistake. They declared that there must be no different interpretation placed upon the Scriptures than that which had been given by the rabbis in former years; and as they had multiplied their traditions and maxims, and had clothed them with sacredness, the word of God was made of no effect through their traditions; and if Jesus Christ, the Word of God, had not come into the world, men would have lost all knowledge of the true God. Christ was the light of the world. All the communications of the Old Testament were from Jesus Christ; but the rabbis, the scribes, and the Pharisees had perverted the meaning of the Scriptures, and while pretending to be worshipers of God, they held to their own tradition. e told them that they made the commandments of God of no effect through their tradition. The requirements of men were placed where the requirements of God should have been, and Jesus charged them with being ignorant both of the Scriptures and of the power of God. It is Satans studied plan to pervert the Scriptures, and to lead men to put a false construction on the words of God.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 10:29:04 +0000

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