When a person believes or teaches something that does not jive - TopicsExpress


When a person believes or teaches something that does not jive with someone elses beliefs or teachings, often they will quickly tell them that they are taking things out of context or that the issue is not salvational and that they dont agree with their opinion of the matter. So how is one able to discern what is actually right or wrong? Whether a belief is a salvation issue or not? At what point do we cross over from human conjecture and opinion to truth and matters of salvation? --We must each come to God as little children, learners, with humble hearts and teachable spirits. We must be willing to heartily accept Gods truth over our own likes or dislikes. --What God says on a matter (bible or spirit of prophecy) is always important and should always trump our own opinions and feelings on a matter. --Line upon line and precept upon precept, taking everything revealed on a particular topic and making it harmonize, should give us enough weight of evidence to make a right decision on any matter under consideration. --We should never speculate regarding a matter if truth has not been revealed regarding the topic under consideration, especially if that speculation contradicts other clearly revealed truths. --Sincere, heartfelt prayer is necessary to rightly interpret any spiritual matter or teaching. The gift of the holy Spirit is essential. theos.institute/how-to-study/
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 19:04:23 +0000

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