When able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, - TopicsExpress


When able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.’’ – Sun Tzu I am going to discuss the darker aspects of this world, why and how its playing a vital and destructive role in the lives of most people, and how we can break free from its influence. There is a “living cloud of shadow parasites or dark energy grid” surrounding this planet, populated by energy parasites. These parasitic beings have chosen to experiment with the illusions of separation, fear, darkness, isolation, conquering, enslavement, pain, suffering, torture, etc. to the strongest degree possible. In doing so, they have completely cut themselves off from the nourishing Light of Being that supports life in the universe. The result is that they must energetically nourish themselves by feeding on low-frequency energies that resonate with their chosen mode of expression, much like Toxoplasma, a parasite, found in the majority of the human race. The ancient Gnostics first gave these beings the title of Archons, in their writings based on direct psychic experiences with these beings. Archons see themselves as the rulers and enslavers of humanity. To Native American Indians they were known as Mud Shadows or Flyers, black aspects of the invisible world that crushed man-kind many years ago, rendering them weak, vulnerable and docile, humans became controllable beings, hosts to chaos of greed, jealousy, manipulation and control of everything human and non-human alike. Our thoughts have power – much more than we often realize. Words and titles have power because they frame our thoughts into a certain set of beliefs without us even realizing it. Calling a “royal” human “Your Highness” automatically places them above you in your mind. Calling a judge “Your Honor” achieves the same thing, neither of which are true, we are all equal. Therefore it very is important that when you think about these energy parasites, that you never call them “Archon” because you will be literally handing them your power and energy by doing so. I will call these beings shadow parasites, as that is all they are. When brought into the light, all shadows lose their power and disappear. They are an infection of consciousness that will be purged from our system through proper use of our will, through energetic clearing, vibrational shifting and a raising of global consciousness brought about by the opening of the vortex. Raising our own personal vibration, serves to really make them angry which exposes them and makes them easier to deal with. In spite of their self-proclaimed status as “Rulers” of humanity, they hide like little worms in the shadows of our minds, sending impulses of low-frequency emotion and thought to our ego and emotional bodies in order to elicit a low-frequency emotional energy that they can consume. Because they love to hide, they need to be “flushed out” into the open in order to be dealt with, so a healthy dose of disrespect and a little arrogance are necessary ingredients when confronting these shadow parasites Birth of a parasitic shadow world ‘’We have a predator that came from the depths of the Cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so.’’ – Juan Matus There has been an influx of dysfunctional behaviour for centuries and its getting harsher, worse and more manipulative. There have been many spiritual writings in ancient times that have been discovered, some hidden, some released. Children are fed misconstrued or totally fictional information at school that subliminally breeds mini-soldiers. They are taught there is good and evil and they should fight for good. They are taught that killing in the name of God is OK, violently eliminating evil for a belief. Remember this; belief is derived from thought and thought is based upon fear. The age of knowing is upon us. The human game was not intended for war, to harm, to kill. The game has gotten way out of hand. On a soul level it’s all working out just fine, but on a human level the suffering is catastrophic. Where is this evil coming from? It’s not in our enemy because our so called or perceived enemy is human. Humans were born of love. Love cannot and will not kill. What has warped, bent or twisted human beings to commit such atrocities? There is a subtle but powerful invisible force at work. What is this? In his book, ‘Light Seeds’, Michael St Clair gives account to a book ‘The Wars of Gods and Men,’ in which Stitchin narrates from a Sumerian description of a storm, or an evil wind, which travelled around in the skies. He continues to say: ‘’Invasion, war, killing – all those evils were well known to mankind by then; but as the lamentation texts clearly state, this one was unique and never experienced before. On the Land (Sumer) fell a calamity, one unknown to man; One that had never been seen before, one which could not be withstood. The death was not by the hand of the enemy; it was unseen death, which roams the street, is let loose in the road; it stands beside a man – yet none can see it; when it enters a house, its appearance is unknown. There was no defence against this evil which has assailed the land like a ghost…’ Although the many academic slaves to the system have tried to claim that the accounts written on ancient tablets are part of an illusory mythology, they are unable to explain how these ancient accounts so accurately describe what sounds like a nuclear war. Stitchin continues to write: ‘’… an evil curse, a head ache…their spirit abandoning their bodies. As they died it was a gruesome death: The people, terrified, could hardly breathe; the Evil Wind clutched them, does not grant them another day. Mouths were drenched in blood. The face was made pale by the Evil Wind.’’ What is the Evil Wind that Stitchin referred to? Is it real? Is it here now? Once upon a time, on this very planet in the far distant past, human beings were infinitely more impressive than we are today. We were fully telepathic, multi-dimensional beings that could simultaneously perceive and navigate many dimensions at once. We built vast cities with technology that worked in harmony with Earth’s energetic fields. We were in full alignment with our Divine Inner Self while expressing ourselves in physicality in a wide variety of life-affirming ways. This unlimited expression of Divine Selfhood was viewed by the ‘’shadow parasites’’ as a threat to their very existence, because the 3rd dimension, the one we live in, has been dominated by them for a very long time on other worlds. To have a 3rd dimensional world, completely free from their manipulations and feeding was something that they could not allow without a fight. The problem for them was that humans were so powerful we could literally brush them off with a thought. These beings only have power over others who they have manipulated and put into fear. A fully aware and conscious human who knows their Inner Divine, cannot be dominated by these parasitic beings in any way. However, these ‘’shadow parasites’’ are possibly the most clever manipulators in the universe, simply because all they know is manipulation and deceit. Practice makes perfect, after all. They studied these immensely powerful humans, lusting after the power and energy that they could drain from them if only they could figure out a way to manipulate, conquer and enslave them. They devised a plan to very carefully manipulate a few humans in positions of power into making an innocent mistake with terrible, cataclysmic repercussions. These humans were experimenting with new methods of harnessing and transmitting energy in vast quantities. The experiments were unprecedented and very ambitious — too ambitious because the ‘’shadow parasites’’ were secretly influencing some of these humans through their ego mind to push the envelope of what was thought to be possible. When an advanced phase of testing at the north pole of the planet went disastrously wrong, this large, extremely powerful device exploded with such force that it caused tremendous cataclysms on the planet, rapidly melting huge swaths of ice and creating a flood that destroyed nearly every coastal area on the planet within a day. The vast amount of death and destruction was unimaginable, and only a remnant of the many billions of humans survived. Heavily traumatized, grief stricken at the loss of their loved ones and focused only on physical survival, they fled to safe locations to try and rebuild their once great civilization. This story sounds much like what we know of as the “Fall of Atlantis” but it actually occurred long prior to the civilization of Atlantis, even though it too perished in a similar manner many centuries later. The incredible trauma of this experience caused a loss of perception in the survivors, making them less aware of the other dimensions that are always mingling with the 3rd dimension. They simply couldn’t take the time to focus on any other density but this one, because their physical survival depended on being fully focused on the physical realm. At the same time, the human’s deep emotional pain, grief and wounding gave the ‘’shadow parasites’’ a tremendous amount of low-frequency energy that they could consume, allowing them to feast on the suffering of the surviving humans and grow more powerful. The ‘’shadow parasites’’ found that as long as they stayed carefully hidden that they could send a small thought-form into the minds of the traumatized humans reminding them of all that they had lost. This would create a cascade of painful thoughts and emotions in the person that would generate more energetic food for the ‘’shadow parasites’’. As each subsequent generation of humanity was born, the ‘’shadow parasites’’ became more bold and instituted a program of direct interference into human consciousness. They subliminally programmed humans to be blind to their presence, allowing them to more directly influence a person’s thoughts. They also programmed human consciousness to recoil away from any mention of the shadow parasites, flyers or mud shadows or their dark influence over humans, so that when confronted with such information, a person’s immediate response will be disbelief, ridicule and mockery. Much like this modern day, when men and women who confront the war mongering of governments, the poisoning of our water systems and the illusion of terrorism, are branded conspiracy theorists. Remember there is no fire without fuel. Finally, in their most brilliantly sinister move, the shadow parasites reprogrammed the human ego to resemble their own ego, and encouraged the ego consciousness to.... Read the full post here: maximumlife.tv/truth-human-ego/ We are capable of so much. Before we can achieve everything we know we deserve we must take control of our own minds. With Passion & Energy, Jerry Sargeant
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:46:45 +0000

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