When all of this started, I must admit, that I was not for our - TopicsExpress


When all of this started, I must admit, that I was not for our district going to strike. I was ready to go back to work with what we would be settling for. Im an aide, after all, and not much in the contract spoke for me...and if it did, it wouldnt matter much, because after seeing how easy it was last year for the aides to just be let go, I wasnt interested in taking a stand of any form in my union. As this has gone on...now in the 12th day...after losing a paycheck, when I am one of those people who basically lives week to week; after being mailed my COBRA forms, when I am one of those with doctor bills and medications; after having my profession vilified over and over, when I have NEVER EVER met an educator who is in this job for the money...I am standing even stronger. This job that I have is worth it all. The people I stand with are worth it all. The children in my school are worth it all. The community I have lived in my entire life is worth it all. Educators and students deserve to work and learn in buildings that are THE BEST buildings in a city. Educators and students deserve to be in a place where if someone is sick, all precautions are taken. Educators deserve to make a fair wage. Good educators need to be secure in their jobs, without fear of being dismissed because they make more than someone younger than them. Educators should be aware of how many days and hours they should be working. Aides should be able to work comfortably with children and not worry about how to change a catheter. Aides should have a right to have their salaries increased if minimum wage goes up. This is not easy. Striking is hard. I know to some, it may look like were all smiles out there on the picket line, but believe me, it is hard. As a whole, it is in our nature as educators, to be hopeful, optimistic and even energetic in tough circumstances. Thats part of why we are educators. We work with the hands were dealt all the time, bravely putting a smile on, even as times get tougher. I know a few of the board members personally, as obviously, I know many educators. ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE WORKING HARD TO GET US BACK TO SCHOOL. I dont believe that anyone wants this to go longer than it already has. The contract is not black and white. Its shades of gray, murky, with legality on both sides. Its not a yes/no decision. If it was, the kids and teachers would be back to work already. Many people are angry with the teachers. Many people are angry with the board of education. It is not those people that are making the difference here, however. Our community has come out strong for us. Hundreds of individuals, businesses, and groups have taken a stand as well. I am so humbled with the amount of prayers, kind words, acts of kindness, and donations people have given. I pray that these businesses and people will continue to be active even when this is settled. Wouldnt it be awesome to have this kind of support for education all of the time! I am proud that Im an educator. Im proud that most of my friends are educators. Im proud that I am a union member. I am proud to live in Galesburg, but right now, I am proud that I can stand up in solidarity and fight for what I believe is right for myself and my community.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:08:25 +0000

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