When push comes to shove, there are only 3 real reasons why, as a - TopicsExpress


When push comes to shove, there are only 3 real reasons why, as a species, we ever dislike or even hate anyone. From simply not being interested in a person and not wanting to spend time with them, to hate crimes and active discrimination and oppression of an entire group, to the best of my comprehension, the motivations are as follows... 1, They simply do not like something about you as a person, from the sound of your voice to the fact that you slurp your drink to your dress sense or the way that you laugh. 2, You Do something that they dont like. (Which includes saying something that they dont like, because speaking, typing and what have you are all actions.) Because your actions are connected in their minds with something that turns them off, pisses them off, makes them feel uncomfortable or rubs them up the wrong way. Or finally... 3, You Represent something that they dont like. Because from your skin colour or political affiliation to your favourite movie or food to your political opinions, they have drawn a line in the sand in their own minds declaring It (whatever it may be) to be something that is wrong, bad, harmful or The Worst Thing EVAAA! Which in turn means that you as an individual are an embodiment and personification of what they dislike or despise. Meaning that when they look at you, they perceive the thing that the thing which they hate. So then, what do all three of these motivations have in common?... The fact that unless we are actively, deliberately or maliciously harming, exploiting, discriminating against or oppressing others, the fact that other people dislike or even hate us actually has little or nothing to do with us. Of course, if something that we are doing offends or even enrages someone, then we can take action to avoid offending that single person. However, as the old saying goes, You Cant Please Everybody. And the actions we take to make some people like us will inevitably cause other people to hate us in turn. Does this mean therefore that hating or disliking other people is Wrong? No, simply that it is our problem, no one elses. That rather than being the objective facts of which we struggle to convince other people, the rationalisations which we concoct to validate and justify our own petty, spiteful and irrational emotional reactions, based upon our own arrogant conceit that everything in the world should be the way that We want it to be, are precisely that; irrational validations of our petty emotions, nothing more, nothing less. As I wrote in another recent status in fact, isnt it amazing how the only people who believe and spread bad things about us without any evidence or even attempting to find out whether they are true are the people who already hate us anyway. Or at the very least, the people who hate the act, belief or what have you in question so deeply that they are too enraged and offended to care whether the accusation is true? Indeed, this is the very reason why everyone and their dog from Richard Dawkins to Kent Hovind now links what they hate with child abuse. Demonstrating conclusively that as I said before, its all about us and our own childish need to shape the world according to our personal desires and rid it of everything which we hate. So as I explained in the video linked down below, if we are to have any hope of actually understanding, listening to and working with each other to benefit everyone, not only the people who we like, then the first and most important step is simply to get over ourselves. https://youtube/watch?v=BwfeC-xXqps
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:19:35 +0000

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