When the End comes, not a single soul will have the opportunity to - TopicsExpress


When the End comes, not a single soul will have the opportunity to protest, to claim ignorance. God will have warned everyone, multiple times, and given them over and over the opportunity to save their Soul. But will they listen? ~ Melchizedek This is not The End, but it is an end. This World War is well under way; it is a war of Ideologies against Life itself. System-wide, unsustainable control structures, built on the bones of the enslaved, fueled by the blood of innocents, crumbling all in time. Yesterday it was a few isolated natural disasters, a few wars in the middle east, the Swine Flu scare, an economy on a drip-line to the money-printers just to pretend the Greatest Depression isnt here... Today, Syria is bombed and invaded, the last country to complete NATOs gambit for Iran and thus the entire middle-east. Symbolically, the trojan horse intitially trained and armed by the West to destabilize Syrias democracy, now used to justify the invasion, calls itself Isis - the Whore of Babylon. China saw it coming and placed warships in the strait of Hormuz to signify their disapproval. Entire countries in Africa are being quarantined in a desperate gambit to stop the spread of a plague which festers and thrives in Babylons self-inflicted wounds. 3000 US soldiers sent to control the situation - as if healing the sick were a military operation - are sure to bring it back home. Meanwhile, the Wests sanctions have forced Russia to accept payment for its gas and oil in Gold, spelling the end of the petrodollars peculiar illusion. And as the worlds psychopathic elite relentlessly moves forward to dismantle harmony and feed on the innocence of unborn generations, a nonstop stream of fireballs ominously fill the skies of arrogant capitals, climate extremes become ever more extremes - hell, the very foundations of our cities collapse, sinkholes under our feet, even as habitually peaceful wildlife turns rabid and attack - a recent development. As I sit in the internet café, two obese teens with pock-marked skin, slurping chem-flavored sugar water, discussed their recently acquired thousand dollar smartphones, even as the telescreen overlording them from above flashes constant orders to consume, to be consumed. Yet my heart still knows hope, still trusts, still has faith. Wait, what? Did you think me a cynic? Think again. For I know beyond all doubt our true nature. I am by no means a realized master, yet from the start of my quest I was impelled by a vision of the spark of Divine Essence invested in every single one of us. For we truly are in the image of God; we are fueled by Her infinite creativity, to create hells out of ignorance or, through Truth, heavens. This creative power lies within us, patiently waiting to manifest its infinite mercy, biding its time until we request it show itself. Yet most deny it, denying their own humanity. And, as nature abhors a vacuum, their unclaimed power is harnessed by the surrounding matrix. For, verily, in a system that impels us to consume, it is us who are consumed. Suffering is here for a reason; to teach us lessons. Will you grow weary or tolerate the inequity? How do you want to tell your story? The choice is yours; but know that your brothers have chosen a story, and they are here in this next chapter, waiting for you to become the Actor you can be in this divine Comedy. Will you join us? youtu.be/VH-8pJrDIsU
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 04:28:37 +0000

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