When the last time you look at the clock and its 1:20am and your - TopicsExpress


When the last time you look at the clock and its 1:20am and your alarm is set for 4:45 am, you start questioning if its a hobby or an obsession!. The alarm went off with a merciless cry seemingly seconds after I closed my eyes. Whatever. Its adventure time. Ill sleep when Im dead. Its a 45 minute drive to the spot and the sun is still asleep. I ease the boat into the water and launch as color starts to hit the sky. I book 2 miles straight out at full throttle. I quickly catch a few mackerel and use them as bait. I gingerly back hook them and send them to the bottom using a dropper loop and a 5 oz wieght on 50lb Spectra line with a 40lb leader. Ladies and gentlemen, we are set for a beast. My gear is perfectly set as the sun pokes its lazy orange eye up. Seals swim by in packs and swarms of seabirds by the hundreds feed off of the mackerel and squid in the water. Its another amazing sunrise on the water. 5 minutes later my pole screams to life. These fish are extremely strong fighters. Its amazing how hard they pull. This one literally dragged my boat 100ft. I pull the first into the boat and am on fire stoked! A solid 25-30lb yellow tail tuna!. I quickly reset my line to go again. I dont have to wait to long. The fish hits the bait like a lightening bolt. The tip of the pole bends so far over it almost touches the water. The fish runs so and fast I almost run out of line (200 yards) Its a long game of give and take. It takes me around 20minutes to finally get him into the boat. The video shows the end game. Ive got about 60lbs of fresh Hamachi now! I call it a day and motor in. Its only 8:00am. Its been an awesome morning. Whats next?
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:16:21 +0000

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