When we challenge county government, we hate no one and we have no - TopicsExpress


When we challenge county government, we hate no one and we have no enemy. In politics there are no permanent friends or enemies. Our main concern is how our money is spend. Its our democratic right for us to ask and we have no apology. All we want is real development. A prudent leader should be keen to practice proven economic guidelines. Development is the progressive growth in production and productivity with factors that bring about:- 1. Economic transformation (from subsistence to commercial) 2. Cultural changes (from retrogressive to progressive) 3. Governance improvements (obedience to rule of law and attention to public good) 4. Educational reforms ( productive training of population) Developing a community begins from a) Adequate Food Production this ensures good nutrition on consumption and surplus is sold for money at the market b) With surplus money a community can a. Educate a child b. Save for investment c) An educated child can Improve his/her family from farming Maize, Beans, Cassava to high value crops such as Export Mangoes, Export Papaws, Oranges, Fresh Produce(French beans, snow peas, sugar snaps, okra, egg plant), Grapes ( All these grow perfect in Machakos) d) A high yielding family can now a. purchase a tractor, pick up, track other machineries for accessing markets and value addition b. Employ casual labour for harvesting packaging etc c. Periodically contract a technician to service and repair machines etc d. Hire an Agricultural extension officer for technical support e. Open an bank account (Kinandu Bank) for transactions f. Obtain Insurance Covers (Kinandu Insurance Company) to shield from uncertainties’ g. Send children to ‘high’ quality schools to become ‘quality’ lawyers, accountants, engineers, entrepreneurs etc etc h. Pays ‘taxes’ or ‘levies’ to his county which develops social and public infrastructure. NO SOCIETY IN THE WORLD DEVELOPED WITHOUT PRODUCING SURPLUS IN AGRICULTURE ******* Only exception have been oil and mineral producing countries in the Gulf. In Africa Oil and Minerals have led to more Poverty except in Botswana and South Africa.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:05:07 +0000

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