When will some of the American people wake up to our so called - TopicsExpress


When will some of the American people wake up to our so called President (Osama Bin Obama) aiding the enemies of this country? SGT. Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter/traitor who joined up with our enemy and caused the deaths of numerous soldiers. He wasn’t captured by the Taliban. He put down his weapon and left the base to join the Taliban. He left a note when he walked of base in 2009 stating this fact, witnesses and all evidence confirm it. Now we have Obama ordering a new investigation into the SGT; I think to falsify evidence and hide that fact that several investigations have concluded that he wasn’t honorable and was a traitor. This is the opposite of what Susan Rice (Obama mouth Piece) stated on TV the other day. Another false story (lie) like Bengasi that was told by Susan. The Army conducted a 15-6 investigation and several intelligence agencies conducted theirs. The evidence is clear to what Bergdahl was. So why would Obama trade a U.S. soldier turned Taliban soldier for the top five leaders of the Taliban? Obama supported The Muslim Brotherhood (parent of Al Qaeda) in Egypt. He ordered military actions in Libya so that Al Qaeda gained power and ended up with thousands of shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles as well as a dead ambassador and others. The list goes on and on as well as his destruction of our economy. Obama has done more to weaken our country and empower terrorists than ten Osama Bin Ladens.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 04:08:54 +0000

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