When you get into the subject of change you get into a subject - TopicsExpress


When you get into the subject of change you get into a subject that’s very dear to my heart: trends. It’s the dirtiest word in films. Don’t follow trends. Start trends. First of all, it’s unethical. What you’re doing is trying to capitalize on somebody else’s creation, and you’re starting with two strikes morally against you. Secondly, audiences do not want to see cheap copies of an original. Just because audiences like pictures about a building on fire once, that doesn’t mean they’re going to like pictures about buildings on fire all the time. You make automobiles on an assembly line, but it’s not how you make pictures. And as for, “What do the people like now?” - the people don’t know what they like until they see it. There is no trend. People love good films. So, be individuals, be mavericks, swim upstream. Never float down the tide with the rest of the people. - Frank Capra
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 18:29:48 +0000

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