Whenever an article opens with an apology you know even the author - TopicsExpress


Whenever an article opens with an apology you know even the author is not convinced. Forget the International Brigade, the 60,000 foreign fighters who fought in the Spanish Civil War, who managed to return to their homes without wreaking havoc in their communities. What about the thousands who also left these shores to fight in Bosnia when the odds against the Muslims there were overwhelming and a genocide was taking place? As far as Im aware none of the British fighters returned to cause murder and mayhem in their communities but if they hadnt intervened neither would the West when it did and today there would be no Muslims left in Bosnia. There have been many deliberate attempts to muddy the waters by confusing ISIS and al Qaida with the many legitimate rebel groups and members of the Free Syrian Army made up of senior officers who could no longer stomach the evil deeds of Assad (I cant bear to use his first name). What the author fails to neatly address or chooses to overlook is the mass suffering of millions of ordinary Syrians from those in the refugee camps to the tens of thousands held in the darkest dungeons of Assad not to mention the women and children killed by the devastating, indiscriminate use of barrel bombs. In addition there are the 55,000 shocking images brought to the world as proof of torture by starvation, and other forms of torture to death on an industrial scale not seen since Hitlers death camps were opened. On a point of interest, there were some Jewish leaders who advised people to comply with the Third Reich and not to resist ... and we all know how that ended. This conflict has nothing to do with Sunni/Shia sectarianism and everything to do with the support of a brutal tyrant who is out of control and the ongoing destruction of neighbouring Iraq run by another tyrant. If you want things put in black and white context let me remind everyone of Archbishop Desmond Tutus words: If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 10:56:34 +0000

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