Where is the compassion that we all should have when it comes to - TopicsExpress


Where is the compassion that we all should have when it comes to helping others???? Its so sad to watch our family members as they begin to age. But then to hear or see how others that youve entrusted your love ones with to watch over them with care & compassion & to provide assistance for them in their daily needs, just to hear how some can be the very opposite by being so uncaring and have so little patience with them. And this goes for our small children as well. They too are so defenseless & dont seem to have a voice when it comes to depending on others to help take care of them. As we all know both the old and the young can be demanding or so it may seem but we have to remember, we have all been there or will be there in one of these categories one day if we live long enough. It breaks my heart to hear my Mom say, I feel like a burden when I have to ask someone to help me and I would be better off if The Lord would just take me home because I dont want to worry anyone. What do we do when we hear our loved ones talk that way whether its by a healthcare worker or caretaker??? Im constantly trying to remind Mom that shes not the burden that she seems to think she is but that everyone is not like that but yes, its so unfortunate that there are those that are there merely for a paycheck and nothing else. Working with the elderly & the young takes only SPECIAL PEOPLE which anymore seems to be few & far between. We ALL just need to remember that how we treat others each & everyday will always come back home to us, good or bad, whether its our Mom, Dad, Child, Grandchild or ourselves. And when it does just know it will be worse as it comes back three-fold. So how you treat others each & everyday depends on how you will or your family will be treated in your future. As I always told my students in the classes that I taught at HGTC, we we write our epitaph everyday we live our lives, its not what our families put on our tombstones after we die that we are remembered for but its the line in the middle between the date we were born until the date we died that tells our lifes story of who we were. So its how you want to be remembered, whether your story will be good or bad, its up to you! As a Nurse that was dying with cancer, once said to one of her co-workers as she was lying on her bed, I was reflecting back on my life as to what I could have done or did I do everything possible for all of my patients that were entrusted into my care, or did I do anything wrong while no was looking that could have jeopardized my patients health? This dying Nurse left us with an Remarkable Statement of what we all can do differently today to make a POSITIVE impact in our lives & our world tomorrow!!!! As my Mom always taught us, Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you. Thanks Mom for setting to very BEST examples by the life youve lived and continue to live each & everyday!!!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 18:22:00 +0000

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