Whether a disgruntled ex-wife, spiteful baby momma or an - TopicsExpress


Whether a disgruntled ex-wife, spiteful baby momma or an all-for-self girlfriend, I can’t stand any woman who comes in the way of a father trying to establish a solid and much-needed relationship with his children. The fact that someone could be so cruel and selfish that she’d intentionally try to create a void in the heart of a man and his child both angers and saddens me. ________________________________________________________________________ Three things to be said about women who try to keep men away from their children are… 1) They can’t be trusted A woman (who is said to be more nurturing by nature), whose heart will allow her to hinder a father from being in his child’s life is not trustworthy, in any regard. She’s all for self and doesn’t mind playing dirty, no matter how much it damages and pains someone else—even if that someone else is an innocent child. I’ve always been one to not only observe how my friends treat me, but also how they treat others. Even if she seems like your bestie and the most loyal ride or die ever, it’s only a matter of time before you too will probably fall victim to her selfish ways. People like this are often nice as long as everything is working in their favor, but the minute things take a left turn and they think their own desires are in jeopardy, they have no problem transforming into the most heartless versions of themselves and betraying whoever is blocking them from what they want. If you choose to befriend such a woman, prepare to live a life walking on egg shells in hopes of staying on her good side. 2) Their Love Has A Limit As much as a bitter ex may claim to love her children, or selfish girlfriend may claim to love her man, that love is very restricted and operates on a conditional basis if she tries to break a father-child relationship. When you truly love someone, you want nothing more than for that person to be the best they can be, and you accept them along with everything they come with. As a wife or girlfriend, how can you really love a man if you won’t allow him to take care of his parental responsibilities, which in turn make him a better person? Furthermore, how can you love him if you don’t love all of him—including his children, which are an extension of who he is? As a mother, how can you love your children unconditionally if you can’t put their need of a father in front of your personal hangups? True love is selfless and unconditional, and it when it really exists, the heart does what’s right no matter how hard it is. 3) They’re apart of the Bigger Problem Approximately 24 million American children live in biological father-absent homes, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In the larger scheme of things, children without fathers are more likely to experience a variety of social disadvantages. For example, “youths in father-absent households still had significantly higher odds of incarceration than those in mother-father families” and girls without active fathers are at greater risk for teen pregnancy, according to Fatherhood.org. Keeping a man away from his children and vice versa not only causes damage on a micro level, but it also transcends to a societal level and creates issues, from poverty to crime, that everyone is left to deal with
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 06:26:56 +0000

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