While I was out jogging this morning I had a strange realization. - TopicsExpress


While I was out jogging this morning I had a strange realization. Jogging always helps me clear my mind even when I myself am not sure what I am clearing my mind from. I just feel so at peace when Im running and the world always seems much simpler. Anyway, I get asked a lot at conventions and such about why I chose to take up voice acting on top of my comic creating. Usually my answer is pretty lame, I dont know. I loved acting in high school and this seemed like a great way to get back into it. Truth is, when I started voice acting I became very obsessed with it, the same kind of obsession I had always had for creating art. I didnt just want to voice act, I wanted to excel as an actress. Since January I have immersed myself in learning. Ive taken improv classes, singing lessons, private voice over lessons and read tons of books and material on auditioning, voice acting and the like. What I hadnt been able to figure out until this morning was why I was so obsessed at improving and being better. I had been chalking it up to my personality and how I was raised. (We never did anything half-way in my house growing up.) There was much more to it though. Ive been playing Hakouki: Memories of the Shinsengami and one of the main characters gets tuberculosis. I was so upset. I wanted him to live so badly, and then I realized that it was because his voice actor and his story had made me love him as a friend. Just like a good book or a well written movie, I was attached to this character. That voice actor had given him life, and I didnt want it to be taken away. And that is how I came to the conclusion this morning of why Im obsessed with voice acting and creating comics. I love bringing stories to life. Whether through my comics or lending my voice to a cartoon, Im in love with breathing life into something. Creating is my driving force.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 14:23:59 +0000

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