While I’m not overly pleased with the recent SCOTUS decision and - TopicsExpress


While I’m not overly pleased with the recent SCOTUS decision and other legislative actions, I think that my more religious and conservative friends should probably hold off on their celebrating for a few reasons. First, This decision will go a long way in swaying the upcoming elections. I’m under no illusions that the Democrats are going to do great in midterms..but I do see that a Democratic base is going nuts and are motivated to show up to elections this time around. Democrats don’t need a big win..they just need to lose less, and this seems more and more likely. Second, These recent SCOTUS and immigration issues are really assuring us that Hillary Clinton will be our next president of the United States. Republicans can’t win the rapidly growing Latino vote and they are rapidly losing the women’s vote. I know some of you will argue otherwise but every stat and poll is backing this up. It may be only 5% but that is a HUGE margin now. Regardless of Rep. motivations the perception is hurting this greatly. I’m not just hearing this from my female Dem. friends but many Rep. as well. Third, Instead of hurting Obamacare the SCOTUS decision is doing an AMAZING job of moving us closer and closer to a single payer system. If there are multiple corporations that chose to not cover reproductive choices the U.S. government is going to continue to find new ways to offer coverage. Often these steps are from the Feds. The ultimate irony is that it is religious conservatives that are moving us into a socialist state! Keep up the good work and we’ll have a true single payer system in the not too distant future. Finally, the SCOTUS decision and immigration policies assure that “liberals” are getting what they want. Because of congressional inaction and court cases Obama is going to use his final two years (seriously what does he have to lose?) to push through a whole bunch of executive orders. Including, women’s health care, immigration reform and environmental policy. No doubt, some of them may be overturned by SCOTUS but….1. by the time they do anything about it, it will be too late. 2. Every executive action that Obama takes bolsters his Democratic base and in turn bolsters turnout at the midterm and 2016 elections. So…. As I said on gay marriage a few years ago. Enjoy it while you can because while conservatives may be winning some battles, progressives are really winning the war. You can entrench as much you like but ultimately demographics and the changing nature of the United States is not turning in your favor.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 23:09:05 +0000

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