While state officials investigate charges that Gerawan Farming - TopicsExpress



While state officials investigate charges that Gerawan Farming Inc. – owners of “Prima” brand fruit - refused to rehire veteran employees because of their support for the United Farm Workers, 10 workers will visit corporate headquarters in Kerman on today to demand that they be rehired, joined by dozens of their coworkers. The Agricultural Labor Relations Board got Gerawan to rehire 12 other workers, but instead of returning them to their original crews, the rehired employees were isolated into other crews, which workers say is a violation of the law. Prima refused to recall pro-union workers, including UFW leaders among the work force, beginning during last fall’s pruning season. The ALRB is investigating formal charges filed by the UFW over Prima’s alleged illegal retaliation against the workers because of their union support. The normal practice is for employees to be recalled to their jobs in the pruning in October or November. The UFW sent a list of eligible workers to Prima management, asking that they be recalled. Dozens were not put back to work, including members of the 25-person union bargaining committee who sat through every negotiating session and meeting between the company and the state mediator who finalized a union contract between Gerawan and UFW last year, implementation of which the company is still resisting. According to four complaints—tantamount to indictments—filed since last year by the ALRB general counsel, the company has bullied its workers by illegally instigating and supporting two attempts to decertify the UFW. The complaints accuse Gerawan of multiple and serious violations of California farm labor law.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 03:46:53 +0000

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