While the right wing continues to refer to the Obama - TopicsExpress


While the right wing continues to refer to the Obama administration as “socialistic,” the truth is anything but. In fact, the Democratic Party in place in congress today is the true conservative party. The Democratic Party is just as captive to the nation’s corporate and financial elite as the GOP. For the poor, working class, anti-imperialists, and pro-environmentalists, there is no party in power representing their interests. Most of the people who voted for Obama twice have not been served by him. Obama has been blatant in his corporate inspired agenda: 1. He has been part of the monumental bailout of the hugely powerful corporate overlords. 2. He has refused to nationalize parasitic financial institutions and bail out the millions who lost their homes in foreclosure. 3. He passed a corporate friendly health care bill that only the health insurance industry and drug companies could love. 4. He passed an auto bailout deal that raided union pension funds and rewarded auto companies for offshoring jobs. 5. He has been lackluster in reducing carbon emission standards. 6. He has not advanced serious public works programs, infrastructure recovery, or green jobs. 7. He has pushed for further subsidies for the already highly profitable and highly powerful oil, gas, coal, and nuclear industries. 8. He has pushed for further strip mining and offshore drilling, contributing to pollution and global warming. 9. He has continued to ignore the interests of his so-called base, labor, and environmentalists, despite rhetoric to the contrary. 10. He has advanced more neoliberal “free-trade” agreements. 11. He appointed a Deficit Reduction Commission headed by those committed to dismantling Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other social programs. 12. He has continued to push for deficit reduction and austerity over jobs and social programs. 13. He is committed to cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits as a ruse for deficit reduction and “entitlement reform.” 14. He has launched a coordinated campaign to crush Occupy Wall Streeters and others of his “progressive base.” 15. He has refused to close Guantanamo and either bring to trial or release prisoners who have been kept in confinement and not charged of any crimes for lack of evidence. 16. He has expanded a Drone program that has murdered thousands of innocent men, women, and children which has served only to advance the cause of the Jihadists. Our president is a war criminal. 17. He has passed record setting defense budgets to help keep the empire’s vastly expanding military machine ready to kill and maim on a moment’s notice. Obama’s bewildering and complicated 900-page health care reform bill is practically a duplicate of a Republican bill passed by Mitt Romney while he was governor of Massachusetts. It is written to guarantee further profits for the already parasitic health insurance industries and drug companies. The U.S. could easily eliminate the fiscal deficit by replacing this dysfunctional system with what exists in most industrial nations, a single payer system that completely eliminates for profit companies altogether. We are currently in a new Gilded Age of extreme inequality which insures that an elite 1% keep piling up ever more astonishing riches safe from public redistribution. And we have a corporate funded major media who push propaganda and corporate advertising that maintains a façade of objectivity. Fox News makes no pretense of whom they represent, but the other “news” stations, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC all love to talk about guns, the weather, clowning crack snorting mayors, celebrator worship, and other irrelevancies while ignoring the topical reality: the ice caps are melting. Free Speech TV is the only public news organization of which I am aware that keeps the people fully informed. How many people are aware that last week there were massive protests in Poland at a world Climate Summit? Representing this supposedly pro-environment meeting were all the major polluters: Exxon-Mobil, Shell, Chevron, and the coal and mining industries. You wouldn’t know this from watching CNN or MSNBC. The massive financial inequality that undermines the advancement of people’s interests is fueling an environmental collapse that will inevitably render all this moot if something isn’t done immediately. This crisis can possibly be averted through an immediate and pronounced public investment in an ecological reinvestment in ecological interests. Take the subsidies that are currently going to the oil, gas, coal, nuclear and major farm industry and put them in green public works programs, an FDR like New Deal in conservation, renewables, protection of both public and private lands, investment and sustainability for organic farms (and no GMO’s), public transportation, and social programs. Funding could be further provided by taxing the rich and scaling back the bloated military budget which is in place mainly to enrich the military industrialists such as Boeing and General Dynamics. We must end the criminal Drone program. We must adopt a Medicare for all health care system. If the U.S. takes the lead, the world will follow. We currently have in place a political system that prevents a progressive and social dynamic from moving forward. If we are to survive as a society and as a civilization, this must be reversed.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:42:34 +0000

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