While trying to sleep last night I went through my usual whirlwind - TopicsExpress


While trying to sleep last night I went through my usual whirlwind of thoughts, but this night particularly, I started recalling exactly where Chris and I were 9 years ago counting down the hours before our beautiful baby girl was born. This was possibly the beginning of my insomnia, because looking back I dont ever remember sleeping again! Haha! I was due to be induced at 7am and at 1am we were far too overcome with absolute joy, excitement, fear, and this thrilling sense of the night, the soon to be morning, and strangely enough what felt like an adventure we knew was soon to come. Because I couldnt sleep Chris and I walked around our apartment complex for the next 4 hours. We walked around the buildings, sat by the lake and discussed what each of us thought about meeting our McKenzie Lynn. Who would she look like? How will we raise her? Who would we trust with her care? For hours we talked, walked, and sat until the sun raised its beams of light above the horizon. We knew then it was time to get back fast so we can finally meet our daughter. It wasnt until late afternoon when I met my baby girl, her first impression of me? A sparkling shower... Umm sorry! Haha I can honestly say with McKenzie and I... I started it. It seems like looking back everything with McKenzie was perfect, the way she was conceived with rose petals and music, the love of the bundle of joy I carried all 9 months, and the fact that I craved triple chocolate cake the whole time and could eat as much as I wanted! Can we say heaven? That year in 2005 We got married, had our first apartment together, and filled the home with so much love it was sickening to most ;) The day my daughter was born my life felt whole. It wasnt just me and my boy anymore, we had made a family. To say McKenzie completed my life would be an understatement. Just being pregnant with her she unknowingly blessed our hearts. The day she was born wasnt the happiest of my life, it was the year she was born into. She made 2005 the best year of my life, and before she was even born we knew that. Looking out into the starry night sky dreaming hand and hand of what she would be like. She, is truly, an Angel in disguise born out of love, she bring that with her wherever she goes.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 15:01:17 +0000

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