Why I Post Inspirational Images I was asked recently why I post - TopicsExpress


Why I Post Inspirational Images I was asked recently why I post inspirational images, why I bother to place quotes of this nature. I was taken aback because this question was coming from someone I thought appreciated these postings. She had even joined my community and was a commenter on the posts placed by the 5 community admins who contribute their time on a daily basis. Upon closer examination, I realized that she was frustrated by the the fact that most of these posts suggest a way of living and believing that she felt was unrealistic to achieve. As I began to look at some of her comments a consistent pattern emerged. She would say " I wish everyone thought like this" and "If only the world was like this" etc... I realized that in her words the inner doubts, misgivings and frustrations we all have and fail to confront were being aired. I decided to listen and to understand her point of view rather than respond defensively. We arrived at a point in the conversation where she asked me again why I "wasted" my time doing these things. I asked her a question. Did she think the twenty minutes I had spent with her was a waste of either of our time? To which she answered an emphatic no. Then i asked did she think other people felt the same way. She said maybe but they may not have guts to say it. Rather than engage in pontification, I chose to identify what in her resonated with me as well. I chose to take a look at my own misgivings, frustrations and gaps between my own beliefs and practice. I chose to listen with an open heart and use this moment to shine a light on issues that lurked deep within me that this person was bringing forth. I answered her that not a single day goes by that I do not ask myself the same questions. Yet, the rewards that come precisely by engaging with people just like me was its own reward. I said I would not have had this opportunity to understand this part of me , this part of my own journey, where we question and agonize over the path we are on, had it not been for these postings. The very conversation we were having was allowing me to see and understand that part of me. We can choose to question the world and get frustrated because people do not behave in a certain way or we can choose to practice what we convey. I have chosen for myself the latter. For practice is far greater and meaningful than simply preaching. The gap between theory and practice, between what we profess and what we do, is there for each of us. I have chosen to use social media to define the many crevices, twists and turns in my life, to express vulnerability with the intention of aligning my own belief with my own practice. I do so knowing that others are going through the same thing. Maybe others are compelled to open up their own journeys, their own inner dialogues. It can be quite liberating to do so as it can be at times scary and frustrating. Yet , I am convinced that after one year of using social media this way, I have achieved a level of inner connection I do not believe would have been possible, any other way.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:31:39 +0000

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