Why Troublest Thou the Master? Mark 5:35 While he yet spake, - TopicsExpress


Why Troublest Thou the Master? Mark 5:35 While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogues house certain which said, Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further? One of the most absurd questions you find in the Scriptures you will find in the verse above when the servants of the ruler came and said, ...why troublest thou the Master any further? Yes, the rulers daughter had died, but the ruler still loved his daughter. Yes, it seemed as if there was no hope, but the One Who gives hope was in the rulers presence. Yes, it seemed as if nothing could be done, but the One Who had the power to change the situation was there with the ruler. Because the ruler didnt stop troubling the Master, he was able to see his daughter alive and well. Do you feel like all you are doing is troubling the Master? Do you feel at times it is worthless to keep on bringing your prayer request to God? I want to encourage you to never stop troubling the Master. The Master, Jesus Christ, still has the power to help you with your prayers. Let me pose several reasons why you should keep troubling the Master. Why troublest thou the Master? Because He wants you to trouble Him. 1 Peter 5:7 says, Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. One thing you should learn from the story above is that Jesus enjoys it when people trouble Him with their problems. You may think your problem is not worth troubling Him, but He truly wants you to trouble Him. Dont ever stop troubling Him because you think it is a bother. That mentality will keep you from getting your prayers answered. Why troublest thou the Master? Because you have a need. The ruler had a need, and he knew that only Jesus could meet that need. Friend, you should keep troubling the Master because you have a need that needs to be met. Until the need is met, keep troubling the Master. Why troublest thou the Master? Because He alone has the power to help. Nobody had the power to help that ruler but Jesus; likewise, only Jesus has the power to help you with your problem. Why bring your problems to anyone else when you can trouble the One Who has the power to help? As long as God has the power to help, you need to keep troubling Him. Why troublest thou the Master? Because He looks for opportunities to show His power. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Your problem is an opportunity for God. He truly wants you to trouble Him so that He can show to those around you His power. Why troublest thou the Master? Because the needs of others need His help. One of the greatest reasons you need to keep troubling the Master is because only He can meet the needs of those around you. Christian, your not just troubling the Master for yourself, but you are troubling Him for the needs of others. Dont ever stop interceding for the needs of others. When God meets your needs, it will most likely meet the needs of others. With what have you stopped troubling the Master? Its time you pick up that request again and start troubling Him. Until your need is met, dont let the naysayers keep you from troubling the Master. Keep troubling Him until He meets your need. OldPathsJournal.Com
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 17:00:53 +0000

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