Why do we make art? Because we don’t have the answers, and art - TopicsExpress


Why do we make art? Because we don’t have the answers, and art is abstract enough to not say “this is the answer.” What’s more important is being present, being aware, and being honest about it, and then creating from that space. If you have the best damn life, create from that space, and it’ll be honest. And if your life’s total shit, stop pretending that it’s perfect. Create out of the shit that’s going on. I don’t think you need to be in a certain space to make honest work, you just need to be honest, and do so from wherever you are. That’s your unique story. Just make it sincere. If you align to what’s popular, and then in two years everyone hates it, you have to completely change who you are. But if you just figure out who you are and how you want to work, all you have to do is commit to that the rest of your life. People’s reactions might change, but you won’t have to. You’ll be doing something you care about, whether people like it or not. I don’t look into what other people are doing, because that’ll just pollute your unique voice. In the end, it’s about honesty. It’s about the willingness to face really, really shitty questions about yourself and not lie. Maybe you don’t start out being honest to the entire world, but at least don’t lie to yourself. And that is so hard. That’s the journey. That’s why it turns into a lifelong thing. That’s where good art comes from, and if you’re gonna do that, it’s gonna set you on a completely different path. One of the best interviews Ive read... I highly recommend reading the entire interview (self-proclaimed artist or not)! Just... great. :)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 20:56:22 +0000

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