Why do you want me to be in support of free Gaza or Palestine, - TopicsExpress


Why do you want me to be in support of free Gaza or Palestine, innocent Christians and liberal Muslims are being killed by ISIS in IRAQ and Syria and nobody saying free Christians, Isreal has the right to defend its territory cos Hamas is a terrorist organization,if given the chance would kill and destroy Israelis, though the civilian deaths in Gaza is painful,whats happening in most Islamic nations are barbaric and demonic, I dont blame the west if they treat some Muslims unfairly cos the bigots and believes of some Muslims are not humane. I stand against any religion that preaches hate, kills in the name of they God and believe they religion is supreme... I urge Christians and liberal Muslim to keep they faith and stay strong. God is with us. You dont have to force people to worship your God, the case of the apostasy woman from Sudan shows it all. For God sake you dont have to tell me which God to serve its a free world. Let people do they things.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 05:12:13 +0000

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