Why is Calvism so unacceptable in modern society? Calvinism stands - TopicsExpress


Why is Calvism so unacceptable in modern society? Calvinism stands for the doctrine that all of humankind is sinful, creatures turned in upon themselves at the deepest core of their being such that they will not-and cannot- make their way to God, retrieve their own lives or earn their salvation. If humankind is to be saved, God must act..Human beings are utterly dependent upon the saving grace of God. Because Calvinists holds that God is sovereign in His grace- that no human may presume on His grace or assume it as a given or a right. Modern democratic society is committed to an egalitarian notion of equal opportunity for all.... Since Calvinism is predicated upon a divne discrimination regarding the recipients of saving grace it must be rejected as contrary to all our enlightened and just concepts of the saving ways of God. Modern culture has also roundly rejected the traditional doctrine of original sin, the idea we are tainted by sin from the... beginning of our lives and unable to commend ourselves to God for salvation. A recent poll of seminary students in America showed that the vast majority believe in the essential goodness of humans and our ability to contribute to our salvation. But Calvinists shows that he is a disbeliever in modernity in that he accepts the ancient Augustinian doctrine of original sin(man is tainted from birth) and pervasive depravity( he cannot help himself). A common belief in meritorious works is the third plank of contemporary Christian culture. Ben Franklin spoke for the American doctrine of merit when he wrote "God helped those who help themselves."/va Freda Marsh
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 16:45:57 +0000

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