Winge Today Winge Tomorrow I would like to make it clear to all my - TopicsExpress


Winge Today Winge Tomorrow I would like to make it clear to all my friends that I am a Socialist, Libertarian, who dreams of a world where innocence is protected, and tolerance defines our lives and our laws. This in spite of my personal reality as a government created victim of contaminated blood, defined by my genetic status for exposure to millions of donors in what could be described as my genetically given, (by State), role as the Canary in a Coal Mine, left due to large plasma pool exposures on a regular basis to join all Haemophiliacs from the 1960’s to the 0’s in a game of Russian Roulette where the gun was always loaded. And I can still manage a smile but to all my friends of all disabilities I learnt something yesterday, the habitual response to “ how are you” being “fine”, is being confused by some nurses as I was told by one her Chronically Infected, Chronically disabled, blood disorder patients never complained of mental health issues, as I have no wish to name the nurse I suggest that all of you take care of how you respond to that simplest of questions.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 13:36:29 +0000

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